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"What? No!"

"Ilhoon, I need fresh air!" Youngji yelled at the phone.

"You are not going to go to Hong Kong with Jackson, alone!" Ilhoon was pissed that his girlfriend decided to go overseas with another boy, despite he's her best friend but he couldn't accept Youngji doing such thing.

"I have my right to do so." She hung up the phone right away. She never wanted his permission anyway when she only decided to tell him at the day of their departure.

Youngji pulled her luggage and walked towards Jackson who was waiting for her. She really wanted to escape from reality and take a break, or even go on a trip with her best friend. She felt safe whenever she was with Jackson.

"Is everything alright?" Jackson was concerned of Youngji's condition since she didn't look good after she talked with Ilhoon.

"Yeah, I guess...Let's go! It's time to board," Her frowning face vanished and was replaced with a bright smile, she can't wait to travel to Hong Kong as she never been there before.

Jackson paid her flight ticket and even upgraded to business class. He wasn't rich, but he was able to afford flight tickets for two, and it was all he could do for Youngji.

"Alright, so hello in Cantonese is...'lei hou', and thank you is 'mm goi sai'," Jackson was teaching Youngji some simple Cantonese phase and Youngji's pronunciation was kinda funny.

They reached Hong Kong International Airport about three hours later and Youngji was so excited that she ran around the airport like a little kid.

"Yah!!! Calm down!" Jackson was laughing at Youngji's act, she seemed to have forgotten all the unhappy stuffs.

"Where do we go first?" Youngji grabbed Jackson's sleeve and pulled him to the exit.

"To my house first," Jackson smirked, "My mummy will be here to fetch us, hmm where is she?" Jackson looked around to search for his mum.


"Mummy!" Jackson quickly ran towards his mum and hugged her tightly. He missed her so much and she's the only one whom he loves so much in the entire world.

"Aunty, lei hou," Youngji greeted politely and smiled.

"Son, is she your girlfriend?" Mrs Wang smiled brightly and hugged Youngji.

"No! She's my best friend," Jackson denied and explained nervously. Youngji had no idea what they were talking and just smiled awkwardly.

While Mrs Wang was driving them home, she introduced Youngji the buildings and malls along the journey in English. She seemed to like Youngji a lot and kept on calling her "dear", while Jackson looked satisfied at the back seat.

"Son, come here!" Mrs Wang whispered to Jackson and called him to enter her room after settling Youngji's room.

"Yes mummy~" Jackson hopped into her room and hugged his mum like a baby.

"Baby, is she the girl that you like? She's really not your girlfriend? Really? But why do you bring her here alone? I really like her though...I hope she can be my daughter-in-law..."

"Mummy, stop!!" Jackson stopped her mum from asking tonnes of questions and he felt her behaviour was really hilarious. His mum was curious about Youngji and she thought she was a really sweet girl.

"Well...if you wanted to help me, you have to stop acting weirdly...she has a boyfriend."

"What? Oh my god, baby you can't steal other person's girl..." Mrs Wang overreacted and took this too serious.

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