chapter i

241 67 138

Amanda's POV

My phone rang, waking me up from my sleep. I lifted my arm and searched for my phone on my nightstand, not once opening my eyes to actually make it easier for myself. I groaned when a notification sound rang through the air, indicating that i had missed the call. I slowly opened my eyes, checking the missed call on my phone.

It was from an unknown number. I switched my phone off and set it back on the nightstand, turning around to face the other side of my bed where I came face to face with a sleeping Daniel Walker.

My relationship with Daniel started five years ago, but we had been having a fling for a long while before that.

After I spent a year moping about Nicolas' 'trip to the gas station' I finally decided that it was time to move on, seeing as he had moved on almost immediately after he landed in Marbella.

I had tried relationships with other men.

Some were tall and brawny. Some were just tall. Some of them were skinny and some of them were short. I tried all types of men. I've slept with a handful of them as well, all in the name of forgetting about Nicolas. Clearly, none of it worked.

Before you get judgemental I can guarantee you that if I were a boy most people would have thought it was okay. He would have been labeled as a playboy and everyone would have moved on. Since I'm a girl, I've been called a slut, a hoe and a whore more times than times than I can count but I do not care. Hashtag down with double standards.

Just to be clear, I did not jump into bed with all these men on the first date. I actually got to know them before I decided to takes things to the bedroom. The only problem was Nicolas was all I could think about whenever I was with another man, so eventually I just stopped going out with other men until I got a message from Daniel Walker asking to meet one day.

I was reading the book I had gotten as a birthday present when a notification rang through the air.

I switched my cellphone on, waiting for it to complete its facial recognition scan as I was eager to see who the message was from. My heart, was set on the message being from one person, even it was not the notification tone I had specifically set for him.

All hope I had left, was taken away when I saw that the message was from the twin brother of the man I so desperately wanted a text message from.

Hey can we meet?

Curiosity got the best of me, my fingers moving faster than my brain.

What for? When my brain finally caught up with my fingers I typed in a typical 'Amanda' response. Why are you even messaging me?

I waited for a response and when there was not one in five minutes, I decided to go back to reading. When I finally found my space again, my phone went of with a notification. I rolled my eyes, sighing deeply before opening my phone to see the message.

I just want to meet. I want to tell you something. 19:00 at the City Lodge Hotel in Hatfield. My treat.

Deep down I knew I should not have went to meet up with him, but I had promised myself that it be one time thing. I convinced myself that it was the one thing I needed to do to get over Nicolas once and for all.

By the time I was parked in the parking of the hotel, it was 18:30. Daniel and I had barely ever gotten along, so I was very curious to see why he had called me to see him so suddenly.

I waited in my car for about 45 minutes, before finally exiting the car and making my way to the dining area of the hotel.

I had been to the hotel a couple of times, so the staff knew me and I stopped a few times to greet some of them. When I finally made it to the dining area, he was the first person I noticed in the room. My breath hitched in my throat and for a moment, I considered running out of there without looking back but I calmed myself down and convinced myself that I could take being in the same room as him.

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