Greetings pt. 2

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I was surprised at first but i still gave him my number though. When i got home i saw multiple texts and they're all from him. I was kinda weirded out honestly but oh well.

We texted a few more times and started getting comfortable around each other, then one day he told me if me and him could go on a date? I answered yes since no one ever asked me before.

The date went smoothly, he sounded like a pretty decent guy. A few more dates later he asked me if i wanted to be his girlfriend. I answered yes, i was ecstatic to finally have a boyfriend.

The next few days of us being official he was starting to be controlling. He would grab my phone whenever i texted someone, He would make me wear clothes that shows no skin at all and the worst part about it is his body-shaming.

He started off with a few 'jokes' like, "Haha  you look like the fat version of this one celebrity." I could take it but the 'jokes' are getting too much i would hear them from him 3-4 times a day.

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