1.Segerant Cross

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The BMW M3 GTR, the legend, the most powerful fastest car in the world.  I am the proud owner of this.  This car has gotten me most of my undefeated wins.  This car was owned by someone else.  One night while I was asleep I heard a screeching noise.  I got up and headed downstairs.  The car was sitting right there on my block.  I look and I saw the note.  The car was being handed to me by the most wanted racer in America.  I was in shocked and happy that I got the car.  I cherish this with my life.  A few weeks ago a crew showed up and started terrorizing NYC.  The news reported said that there were members of the Blacklist, a list made up of the top 10 most wanted street racers.  Ladies, and gentleman welcome to another part of my journey.  This is the story on how I became the most wanted street racer.

I'm out at the track praticing and putting in some times.  My team is in the house doing gods know what.  I cross the line and came to a screeching halt.  I got out and it was a man with a black short sleeve button up some brown slack and brown shoes staring at me.  He walks up to me.

"You must be Michael, The world famous Street King." The guy said.

"You must be cross, the bounty hunter and Segerant of Rockport Police Department." I said.

"Well, I must be famous."

"Yeah, your famous.  If you hear for the car it ain't happeneing."

"Oh forget that.  I been after that car and the driver for years, I gave up.  I came here because I need your help."  My team came out running to the track.

"Mike you okay?" Darren ask me.

"Wait is that?" Makayla ask me.

"Yes, this is Segerant Cross.  The famous bounty hunter." I said.

"Wait why is he here?" Tiffany ask me.

"If he hurts you!" Nalaysia grunted.

"Relax I ain't hurting anyone.  I need ya help.  Michael and Drivercity ya present has been requested.  I am working with the NYPD to stop the racers that came to this city and started to tear it up."

"You mean the blacklist racers?" Kareem ask him.

"Yes," He handed me a card with and address on it.

"Come by the station we will talk more."  He walked off.

"You sure we can trust this guy?" Makayla ask me.

"I don't know, but we heading down to the station go get ready."  They all went in the house and grab their stuff.  This right here people is one of the most craziest shit I ever been apart of.  Helping out the cops bust racers who are no good.  This should be interesting.

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