佐草 Sakusa | Pat

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Request by quinn_lui


"Omi-kun!! Look at this!"

I shout at him and he turn to see me crouch down while petting a stray cat. I like cats


"What are you saying? It's not gross. Poor little cat called gross by this guy"


I know he hate animal but i really like animal. Opposite attracted each other.

"If i say this, would you leave the cat?"

"This? What is this??"

He sigh and pull down his mask that cover half of his face. He crouch beside me. And i just stare at him and wait for him to speak

"I love you since first year"

I blink numerous times in order to process what he just said. I smiled nervously

"Eh... what?"

"I love you. Please don't let me repeat it"

He pat my head and it's make me blush. I stand up and hide my blushing face with my hair

"Le... let's go."

When he lift his hand, i missed the feeling of his hand on top of my head

"Okay then"

I walk beside him and normally he walk me home. When we arrived in front of my home he smiled and when he want to leave me, i grab his hand

He startle but he stare at me who is trembling right now

"Please... please pat me more"

He blinked and he decided to pat her head softly.


Mom shout and it's make me snapped back to reality. I blush

"No!! Mom wait a moment!!"

"Kiyoomi, am i right?"

He nod

"Please take care of my daughter, honey!! (Y/n) got a boyfriend!!"



Another request coming up. Sorry if it short. I kind of busy lately

Fly High /Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat