Love is a Bad Name

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Disclaimer : See Part One

Disclaimer : See Part One____________________________________________________________________

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<I think it's safe for you both to return now.> said Goseki through the phone.

"If you're sure, senpai."

<Yes, the office has taken care of it. It's one of Johnny-san's old rivals. We've managed to force them to call off the hit on Yamada by threatening to put a light on their own dirt.>

"That's all?" asked Daiki, doubtful. It seemed too easy for them to surrender just like that.

<...and a few bullets through their henchmen courtesy of Miyake-kun,> Goseki added.

Daiki snorted. "I thought so. Well, that's good I guess because Ryosuke is starting to go crazy. Honestly, we both are." Daiki peaked through the window and chuckled lightly when he saw Ryosuke dangle upside down from one of the tree branches outside the cabin in his attempt to work out.

<We've sanitized Yamada's apartment and packed up his belongings; ready to be moved immediately.>

"Thank you, senpai! I think we'll stay in my apartment for the time being. I'll ask Ryosuke what he would do with his apartment. I don't think he would want to step a foot in there again, you know, considering the situation."

<I understand. Well, like always, report to me for any new development.>

"Or course!"

Daiki hung up and went outside to deliver the good news to his boyfriend.

"What is this called? Upside down sit-ups?" asked Daiki when he got near the tree where Ryosuke did his work out.

"Uh-huh. Between you ... and ... me Dai-chan. How... come I'm... the one who's... always ... working out ... when you're... the assassin?" mocked Ryosuke between pull-ups.

Daiki smirked. "My workout regimen is a bit dangerous. Besides, I'm working now and I have plenty of workouts at night if you know what I mean," said Daiki lazily. The good news from Goseki had eased up some of his worries that he wanted to tease his boyfriend a little bit.

"Pervert! Is sex the only thing on your mind?"

"No. You're on my mind too."

"Eww! Somehow it also sounds dirty," Ryosuke scoffed at him.

"Maybe it's your mind that's dirty. Come on, get off of that! We're going home."

Hearing the word home, Ryosuke quickly jumped off the branch and somersaulted towards him. "We're going home now?!" he eagerly asked.

"Yes! I just got the news from the office that the hit on your head has been lifted. We can go home now."

"Yatta!" Ryosuke screamed in delight and promptly hugged Daiki. Daiki laughed at his antics and squeezed him back lovingly. "I can't wait to get home and play my games and..." he suddenly trailed off and Daiki immediately understood his hesitation.

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