Part E

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Tell Yourself
I can do this

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does because it matters. Whatever you set your minds to can be done and speaking from personal experience I can support it wholeheartedly. Along life's journey there will be people who won't see the greatness that lies within you but don't be demotivated by them, continue to work hard with determination knowing that one day by the grace of God it will be done.

This can only happen if you believe in what you are doing and what you are about.
In the bible we are reminded that "Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. This doesn't mean literally though. If you believe that an obstacle can be moved and you work tirelessly to get it out the way it will be moved because you believe in what you are doing and working towards making that dream a reality.

For a dream to come to pass there has to be a masterplan and certain strategies that has to be followed thoroughly. Use the architects for example, they draw up their designs and make the needed corrections to it for it to be done in order. When it comes on to believing in yourself it will take all of your willpower because the truth is most people do not have faith within themselves and this causes them to act foolishly.

Each day as you look at yourself in the mirror keep telling yourself that all of your tasks will be completed only if you do them. You cannot say you believe in yourself and yet still you don't even have the guts to produce your own work. As a true vision hero you are always keeping the fact in mind that through hard work you will definitely reap success.

All of the nation's greats were not only vision heroes but national heroes, wouldn't you want to make some contribution towards your country's development.

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