Chapter 17

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   Destinee's pov

*one week later*

Caleb is one week old and I haven't gotten any sleep at all. The most sleep I have gotten is 3 to 4 hours each night I'm so exhausted. On the other hand Dana sleeps through the whole night while I get up at every 2 hours.

I was downstairs watching tv as I had Caleb in my arms. Dana came down looking super chipper while I on the other hand looked like a homeless girl. I had bags under my eyes and it wasn't cute at all. "Hey babe" he said kissing my forehead and kissing Caleb.

"Hi" I said. That's all I could say cause I was so frustrated and exhausted and I just wanted to sleep.

"All I get is a Hi" he said laughing.

I ignored what he said as I got up and put Caleb in his crib is his room. I closed the door and went in the kitchen to make myself some tea. "What's wrong with you?" Dana asked me. I just stared at him and rolled my eyes. How could he say that!? He should know that I'm super irritated with him!

"I don't understand why you've been ignoring me!" He yelled at me as I just stirred my tea and tasted it to see if it tasted okay.

I walked upstairs into our bedroom and went in the closet to pick out something to wear. I was going to go to the gym to work out a little bit. I took my shower and did my regular routine. I got out and wrapped a towel over my body and put on my under garments. I put on my pink half workout shirt and some workout pants.

"Where are you going" dana asked me

"To the watch Caleb" I said with a rude tone and went out the door.

   Dana's pov

Destinee has been so moody for the past week. She doesn't talk to me and when we go to sleep I usually cuddle with her but she makes sure that she's far away from me and I don't know why.

I heard Caleb cry so I went in his room to see what was happening.

"What's going on little buddy?" I said to him as he cried even louder. He must have been hungry. I picked him up and went in the kitchen and made his bottle for him. After he was done eating I burped him and to hear those little burps was so cute.

Destinee came back about an hour later and to my surprise she was being nice and she was talking to me. "What do you want for dinner?" She asked me with a smile.

" about some chicken" I suggested.

"Okay I'll cook that then." She said then came over to me and kissed my lips. To be honest I missed kissing her. I missed her I wanted to hold her and cuddle with her.

"I love you Dana" she said with her arms wrapped my neck.

"I love you more beautiful" I said as she blushed.

"You've been acting a little weird...what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I just have alot on my mind" she said

"You know you can tell me babe" I said



(A/N: Hey guys here is chapter 17! I know this chapter sucks lol but anyway what did you guys think of this chapter)

Happily Ever After (Trilogy To Starting Over) A Dana Vaughns Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن