Chapter 13 Ghosts?!

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Tw: brief mentions of a gun (nothing gory) and a panic attack

Roman woke up to hear yelling. He had a great sleep before the noise woke him up. "YOU ATE ALL THE PIZZA ROLLS?!" That was definitely Virgil's voice.

"You both went to sleep so I thought it was fine. Besides you forgot to even take them out of the oven." Jo argued back.

Roman rolled his eyes at the sibling's bickering. He got up and started putting his clothes in his new closet. He slept in his flannel and jeans yesterday so he wanted to change. He grabbed a grey Micky mouse shirt and black pants. When he got changed he went downstairs to see Jo on her phone on the couch and the front door wide open.

"Um where's Virgil?" Roman cleared his throat.

She looked up and scowled. "He's at the store. I think I'm gonna head home for a bit. I'll be back tonight." She stormed out and slammed the door.

"Looks like I'm home alone. I guess." Roman looked around at the giant house. The living room was brightly colored but alone his imagination was getting to him and the shadows didn't look very friendly.

One of the cats walked up and stared at him. She was black with emerald green eyes. His dog walked up. "Oh hi Genie. Looks like your getting along with the cats. How's your hip?"

The dog made a whimpering noise as Roman went to grab her medicine. Genie was getting old and had a hard time walking around.

Roman gave her the medicine and looked around the house. It was even bigger than he thought. You had the main rooms like Living room, kitchen, dining room, hallway, and office that were easy to find. Then you had an art room, extra bedroom, sewing room, and music room (even with the instruments all around the house).

There were also a number of hallways on the first floor, some in a loop making them very hard to navigate. Finally Roman found the back door. The back yard was rather small (which made sense since it was a big city) but had a trampoline, fire pit, and porch. There was also a very pretty maple tree, and a tree with pink flowers.

Across the ally was a creepy house that looked abandoned. When Roman looked up the ally he saw a burned down house and several broken down ones. Roman knew this wasn't even half as bad as some over the other parts of the city.

Roman heard a crash behind him, but turned around to see nothing. After brief investigation he shrugged it off and summed it up to his imagination.

Roman closed the back door and looked out the front door. Across the street he could see what looked like a voodoo shop (which wasn't unusual here) and a bar.

Greeeat looks like there will be some drunk people wandering by every now and again.

But he couldn't complain much. He got a house and roommates for free while he found a job. And Virgil had offered friendship and a place to stay a few months after he met him so it wasn't all bad. And Virgil made sure to have an alarm system just in case.

Roman started getting worried about his friend after a few hours of him playing battlefront on their Xbox. He decided to text him just in case.

Roman: Hey V. You gonna be home soon?

Mycreepyassroommate: maybe. i still have to get gas, run over to the bakery and give lo his jacket back, then stop by the marketplace to grab fresh fruit.

Roman: It's going to rain again soon so hurry up.

Mycreepyassroommate: aww you scared princy?

Roman: Shut up I'm just worried.

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