My Average Eternity

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Aaron's p.o.v

It's been 4 years since the whole cliff fiasco. I'm now 22 almost 23.
Evan is almost 5! I know! It's gone so quick!! He is an angel, but like every child he has his moments! Haha. Tom is incredible! The perfect dad, of course Evan doesn't know any different, he doesn't know about his real dad. I don't want him to worry. Tom is great for both of us and I'm so happy!
We have moved to Seattle, Tom now works in a law firm in town and I'm a stay at home mum. Haha.
Right now it's Monday morning and I'm just about to go wake Evan up for school.

"Wake up, baby" I say rubbing Evans back gently.

"Go'way, ma" Evan whines, trying to swat my hand away.

"Evan, you need to get up. You have school, now get up!" I say using a touch of my motherly tone.

I step back, turning for the door as he whines again, "don't make me tell you again" I say walking out the door. He groans but gets up.

I head to the kitchen to get him some breakfast going, he can be a little grump when he's hungry haha. But I love him anyway.

Even tho he has his biological fathers hair and eyes, he resembles me in his features. I'm happy about that, I don't think I could handle it if he looked like him.

Evan walked into the kitchen, dressed in the clothes I set out for him when he went to bed last night. A new thing, I might add. Dressing himself I mean.
He's gotten very independent these last couple of months, it makes me sad. He doesn't need me as much anymore.

I feel my eyes begin to water, wiping them I say "ok mister, jump up on the stool and eat your breakfast, don't wanna be late."

"Why you sad, mommy?" Evan says looking up at me with those big blue eyes.

"Mommas not sad baby. Now eat up" I say giving him a smile while pointing to the fruit pancakes in front of him.

Evan gobbles them up instantly, I hardly have time to grab his lunch!

"Ok, let's go get in the car" I say while running a brush through his hair.

I buckled Evan in and headed towards the school. "Evan, please play nice today, and do not use your powers!! If you so much as push another child, OR teacher I will be coming down there with your father and you will be punished." I say looking at him in the rear view mirror. You may think that's harsh saying that to a 4 year old, but most 4 year olds don't have the power to move things with their minds! And he has become somewhat of a bully, he realised that the other children don't posses powers and he got very power happy. That was until I got hold of him! Little sod!

Evan just hummed along to a tune on the radio, it's his frozen sound track. Sometimes I think I enjoy it more then he does!

"Let it go, let it go! I am one with the wind and skyyy, let it goo, let it go. You'll never see me cryy, I don-" I sing before being cut off by Evan.

"-But I saw you cry before ma" Evan points out.

"I had something in my eye baby" I lied

"Na-aa" he disagreed.

I just let him get on with it, I'm not arguing with a 4 year old. Besides, he is right.

We pulled up to the school and got out, I grabbed Evans hand as we crossed the road in front of the school. No matter how much he wriggles wanting me to let go.

Walking up to the main school building where all the children wait for the teacher, I spot someone I have seen before every morning, and since the first morning I saw her I knew she was a vampire. She has a son, of Evans age. It concerns me slightly, not just the fact there is a strange vampire so close to home, but that she has a young child. Vampires can't bear children, so unless she had him while she was human, she must have stolen him. I've seen it before. A broody vampire steals a human baby or child to raise as their own, although many fail with the blood lust. I cringe internally. It is still a common thing.

Evan runs off to some of the children, so I lean against a wall and watch him contently. I do worry, I worry about him every moment of everyday. About the threat of other vampires or werewolves or even the humans. I worry for the other children, being Evan is a halfblood he is naturally stronger then a human child. And I worry that a vampire will see him and figure out he isn't a whole human. But I can't keep him hidden, he need to be socialised, he needs to have company.



"Hey baby, yeah. Erm.. No..... I'm gonna head off to get him in 45 minutes. What time will you be home tonight?........ Ok.....I love you too, bye " I put down the phone and walk into the front room.

Laying down on the sofa, I really need a rest. I've been doing house work all day and I really need to hunt. Maybe a lil half hour nap.....


"SHIT! Shit,shit,shit,shit!!!!!!" I run grabbing my keys, debating whether to run to the school or drive..... RUN! It's much quicker!

I take off through the woods, the wind hitting my face hard with the speed I'm running at. I get to the school in about 7 minutes.

"I'm soo sorry, I know I'm late!" I say to the receptionist

"Oh, mister Matthews? I thought you sent Evan home with a friend today?" The receptionist of about 45 years explained.

"No! When did I let the school know they could let my son leave without me or his father present?!" I scolded, I'm furious! They let my son leave!!

"Oh, Erm, oh I'm sorry. We were told he was going home with Mrs Watts" she fumbled about being the desk.

"Who the hell is Mrs Watts!?" I shout

Not giving her time to explain I burst out of the doors and search for Evans scent. Please don't be in a car.... Please!

Got it! I take off running, although at human speed. I'm on the side walk after all.
His scent is strong so it indicates he's walking.

A mile or so away from the school I see a lady with two children a little way ahead, speeding up slightly (running just over human speed) I reach them, grabbing the top of Evans arm pulling him back to me.

A sharp hiss escapes the lips of a Mrs Watts, who I now recognise as the vampire from school.

My own hiss rapidly responds, stepping in front of my son in a defensive crouch. We size each other up, please bitch I'll rip your head off and shove it up your ass!

"Who gave you permission to take my son from the school!!!" I shout at her, ready to attack at any moment.

"He wanted to come home with me!" She hissed

"Like fuck! If you ever touch my son again I will end you!!" I scream

The strange vampire stands abruptly grabbing her sons arm roughly dragging him away, he looks at me sadly as I pick Evan up to sit on my hip. A pang of pain hits me, my motherly instincts kick in seeing that poor boy being dragged away like that, with such a sad face. I almost lunged to grab him but controlled myself. That could be his real mother for all I know... Never the less, something doesn't sit right with me seeing that poor boy being dragged down the sidewalk, barely keeping his footing.

"Evan Matthews! What do you think you are doing! Leaving with a stranger like that! You know to never go anywhere unless daddy or I are with you!" I scold the boy sitting on my hip.

"I'm s-sowwy momma, I- she.... Told me toooo" he hicupped and wailed.

"No excuses ! That is not ok, Evan! She could have wanted to hurt you! What if momma didn't get to you? Who would have protected you if she wanted to hurt you?"

"S-she said she wouldn't... She said she is a nice lady" he still sobs

"People lie baby, I don't want you going near her again. You hear me?" I say setting him down

"Yes, I'm sowwy" I wipe his eyes.

"Okay, just never again" I say. Evan agrees. "Ok hope on, we need to run" I say bending down so he can climb on my back. He does so and I stand up "holding tight?"

"Uh-huh' he nods

We ran home. On the way I can't help but think of that crazy ass vamp-bitch. Concern laced my thoughts.

(A/N) Hey guys! First chapter of the sequel! Thoughts? Vote if you like! Haha :)

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