scourge has issues

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"It's no use!" Silver shouted. 

Sonic watched as his friends fell before their newest enemy. The green hedgehog had two scars that went across his chest diagonally, and wore a leather jacket with flames going up the sleeves. His razor sharp teeth glinted in the evening light as he beat down the heroes one by one. Before the fight had started, the green hedgehog named Scourge had somehow cancelled out Chaos energy, and without it Shadow couldn't replenish his powers or run. Knuckles was also weaker without access to the Master and was more vulnerable to the attack, but alas he soon too was pushed back and he fell, unable to get up. 

The Chaotix were knocked out to the side of the giant field they were fighting in, Tails and Amy trying to wake them and treat their wounds. Rouge was barely conscious, her wing crooked and blood dripped down the side of her head. Shadow was beside her, equally as bruised and unable to stand.

Sonic was the only one left standing, his mind still in shock from the stunt the green hedgehog pulled. Unaware were his friends, as Sonic knew who Scourge was and Sonic was not happy about him appearing. 

"So are you going to fight me or ignore me like last time?" Scourge asked, a hand on his hip as he swaggered up to Sonic.

Sonic clenched his fists in anger. "What is your problem?" 

"My problem?" Scourge exclaimed. "This is all your fault! You keep running away from me-"

"-because you're crazy!" Sonic cut Scourge off, throwing his hands into the air. "You keep fucking up with your friends and Fiona and every time you don't get your way you find me and ruin my life too!" Sonic let his face fall into his hands and groaned.

"What?!" Scourge scoffed. "I did not fuck up with Fiona! She went and cheated on me with that stupid ugly ass bear, I left her!" The green hedgehog huffed.

Sonic finally looked up. "You know you could just be a normal brother and come find me and talk to me, not beat up all my friends and fuck around with chaos energy. Please, just fix it and fix my friends and lets go race or something." Sonic gestured to his friends behind him. This time Scourge groaned, before running off in a dust cloud before returning with the Master Emerald and removed the device stuck to it. Pulling out some rings, Scourge tossed them at Sonic's friends before coming to a still at his brothers side. 

"You guys alright?" Sonic called out to his friends.

Knuckles was the first to his feet, his energy replenishing faster than the others. As fast as he got up, he was charging towards Scourge with his fist aimed for the green hedgehogs cheek. With a smack Scourge was thrown across the field, landing a few meters away in a dust cloud.

"Ouch." Sonic winced in sympathy, personalty knowing what it felt to be on the wrong side of Knuckles' punches. 

Tails and Amy appeared next, both staring at Sonic. "Did you call him your brother?" Tails asked.

Sonic nodded. "Yeah," Looking over his shoulder he watched Scourge limp back towards them. Sonic moved his arm towards him. "Meet my older brother Scourge, who as you can tell has some issues."

Scourge finally appeared next to Sonic, his own gloved hand smacked against the blue one's head. "You're one to talk Mr. Hero Complex." Scourge sassed back with a snort. Sonic rolled his eyes. 

The Chaotix, Silver, Shadow and Rouge all walked up next, the bat looking ever so smug towards the big emerald in front of her. 

"I remember you," Shadow suddenly spoke, looking towards Scourge. "You're the ass who made me crash my motorcycle and lose my damn fourth chaos emerald." Shadow suddenly appeared in front of Scourge before he also punched the green hedgehog across the field. 

Sonic grimaced. 

"Well that's enough excitement for one day," Knuckles said, lifting the Master over his head. "I'm heading back to Angel Island."

"WHAT IS WITH YOU ALL HITTING ME!" Scourge yelled as he once again walked up to the group, although this time he stood behind his brother. 

Shadow smirked and gave his fist a rub before he let out a shout of chaos control and disappeared. Rouge quickly grabbing onto him and flashing away as well. 

"So..." Sonic said. "Let's go get some chili dogs and have a talk about how you're not allowed to beat up my friends to spite me into a fight in order to get your anger out about your girlfriend."

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