Entry 2

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I'm happy to see that my experiences from part one got some attention! Wasn't expecting this stuff to actually get any traction. I'm mainly here to vent, and have a place to catalogue the stuff that happens around my house. People also seemed to enjoy the the part where the naked dude attacked me, then cartwheeled into the woods crying like a baby when i stabbed him. Still not sure if he was human. Now i feel obliged to tell more of my experiences. Also, feel free to leave any questions you have and i will try to answer them in the next post. That being said, if you haven't read part one i suggest you go back now and read it. I'm going to tell the following experiences as if you already know about the other experiences i have written about having on this property. This place is not normal after all, and takes some getting used to.

Now that the intro is out of the way, i think we can start with Camo. And Camo is a fucking nuisance. I first time i came into contact with him was during the first whitetail deer season i had on my property. Now I'm a hunter, but the program that is "helping me" after the incident said i wasn't allowed to have guns because the noise draws to much attention. Bullshit. I live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't anybody else for miles, unless you count the chosen, but I'm pretty sure that the program is worried about the them. Luckily the lady in the tree hooked me up with the 45. Caliber I now have in my possession, but i didn't have it upon first meeting Camo unfortunately.

Anyway, back to the story. I first saw him when i was walking towards a ladder stand i had set up on a tree to watch deer, since i could no longer kill them. And yes i could have had a bow, but I'm shit with a bow, i would risk just hurting the animal. I don't like the idea of an animal that is suffering because i couldn't make a shot that would kill it instantly. Now, as i approach my stand, i notice a figure already sitting in it. It's about the size of a regular human. He was dressed in full camouflage, pants, jacket boots, hat, face mask, and backpack. He actually seemed like a regular person, which i hadn't seen any of those in the woods for the entirety of the 4 months i had been living there. The things that live on this property are generally more extreme. But no matter how relieved i was to see a proper human for once, he was deep in my property, and hunting in my stand. I had to get him to leave.

I reluctantly shouted over to him, " AYYYE, YOU AINT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, TIME TO GO DUDE!" Now i was about 75 yards away and to his left, but i yelled plenty loud for him to hear me clearly. He didn't flinch, he stayed facing straight forward like a statue. What a prick.

Look, try to be creepy all you want but ignoring someone like that is just rude. I know he hears me, i have reason to believe he was just trying to freak me out because I've made him break character before.

So after i yell and he ignores me, i start getting impatient. I yelled the same thing at him again a little louder and still ended up with the same response. What a dick. Now I'm livid because he's making me ruin all my chances of seeing deer this afternoon by making me yell at him. So naturally, i start a brisk stroll over to tell him off to his face, or maybe kick his ass. I already noticed he didn't have a rifle so i just assumed that he was watching like i was planning on doing. Of course he could have had a concealed handgun but I'm a dumbass so i didn't consider that.

Then i heard the, "crunch" of something under my foot, and the sudden sound of rope sliding across a surface at high speed. I froze for a fraction of a second and before i could squeak out an oh shit. I'm hanging upside down from my ankle. There was a loop around my leg that held me suspended 7 feet off the ground like a damn cartoon. I was like a fucking loony toons character. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I immediately knew it was Camo and when i look up, or down? Shit i was upside down so i don't really know where i had to look but i saw him slowly climbing down the ladder. Like really slowly. What a dramatic guy. If he wasn't so obsessed with appearances he probably could have killed me. That what i think he wanted to do anyways. There was a machete on his hip that i could now see and the blade was chipped at in a way that made it look serrated, wouldn't have been a very useful tool unless you wanted to use it to inflict pain.

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