Good mornings, and serious nightmares

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I woke up in his arms. i could feel his smooth firm chest on the bare skin of my back, and the heat from his body on mine.

I felt good beside him. not awkward, ashamed, or self conscious, but good. i felt good with Lefahn. I was glad i had never been with anyone else the way we had been last night.

Now that i thought about it, i could hardly even think of him as the Aspidochelone. A title i know he had earned. but somehow, i just couldn't think of him that way. i knew all the people had been bad, and they deserved to die.

So if someone as morally good and brave as him could have done what he did, then maybe i could get over what i did. Maybe i could still be an okay person. after all, most of the founding fathers of America had been war heroes, and people fought wars in the name of good.

But my mind quickly went back to Lefahn when i felt his arms tighten around me, and felt his nose on the tender skin of my neck.

"Good morning" he said running his hand from my shoulder to my waist and back again, the exposed skin shivering under his touch.

"Mmm... Good morning" i replied and turned around to give him a tender kiss which he deepened and turned intense.

"Feel better?" he asked.

I smiled at him as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear "a little" i said and gave him a quick peck on the lips, and giggled like a schoolgirl when he reached forward to try and keep the kiss going.

"Well good" he said pouting a little bit, but giving up his efforts to restart what we had done last night.

After we kissed a few more times, Lefahn got dressed and got some cloths for me from out of my room. i could have used my other cloths, but they were pj's so i wanted to put on some real cloths.

Lefahn came back with a surprisingly cute outfit. It was my favorite pair of skinny jeans, a cute black sweater with the name of a really old band from 1980 something almost 2600 years ago called Guns and Roses printed across it. then to go with it were some adorable black boots with black wedges that added three inches to my height.

He also got me some clean underwear that he playfully teased me with before giving them to me. I quickly got dressed, and the sweater i had on was surprisingly comfortable. i could have worn it everyday forever it was that comfy.

Once we were both ready, Lefahn took my hand in his, and led me up on deck. there was a chair on the starboard side of the deck that he told me to sit in and wait. soon he came back with an easel, paints, paint brushes,a large canvas, and a camera.

he told me to sit on the chair while he took out the camera and took a few shots of me sitting there looking at the ocean. once he had enough pictures, he told me to stay put and not look at the painting.

"I wanted to paint outside, it's a beautiful day, and i wanted to spend some time out here, and i don't want you sneaking peaks at the painting" he argued.

"Okay" i said and just let him do what he wanted. plus, i rather enjoyed sitting out here in the sun, and watching him paint. His muscles moving with every brush stroke, and his face held firm in concentration. he was absolutely beautiful with the golden rays of sunlight dusting his hair and shoulders so that he looked like he was covered in fairy dust or something.

Before i noticed it, the sun was setting, and Lefahn was putting away his art supplies.

As soon as he had put them all safely inside, he walked over to me and held my hand in his entwining our fingers, and walking to the bow of the ship where he wrapped his arms around me from behind and we watched the sun set over the water giving off a display of every color known to man, until only the moonlight was left reflecting off the crests of the waves.


I woke up from my dream gasping and screaming, and heard fast footsteps coming towards my door.

"What is it? what is it Clara?" Lefahn's scared voice broke me out of my terrified haze.

"N-nothing." i said right before a crewman of Lefahn's came inside my room with a tray that held a tea pot, two cups, cream, honey, and sugar.

As soon as the tray was set down on my bedside table, Lefahn ushered the crewman out and shut the door firmly behind him. he then quickly made two cups of tea with just the right amount of ingredients. he handed one to me, and it helped soften the burn in my throat from screaming in my sleep.

"It's not nothing" Lefahn said quietly to me knowing better than to believe my stupid lie.

"It... it was her" i said and he knew what i was talking about.

"What about her?" he said and sat next to me wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders.

"I-i dreamt s-she got her reveng-ge, and stabbed me t-to death" i gushed out as soon as possible as if telling someone would make the image and feeling go away.

"Shh... shh... It'll be okay" he said rubbing my now completely healed arm. his touch sent heat through my body ending the cold shivers i'd been having.

I leaned into him further for warmth that the tea just wasn't giving me. when i closed my eyes, i still saw her. she was bloody and wearing that stupid red and black outfit covered in her crimson blood that oozed out of her chest. when she tried to talk, it sounded gurgled like she was drowning which i guess she was, with blood filling up her lungs.

I got up and out of my bed and raced to the bathroom where i puked out the contents of my stomach. i kept seeing her face, and kept puking until i could only dry-heave.

Poor Lefahn had to witness the whole thing, holding my hair behind my head and rubbing my back and murmuring soothing words.

After i was done, i reached with a shacking hand outward for some toilet paper that i wiped my mouth off with, and Lefahn helped me stand up so i could wash my mouth out.

I was still shivering as i walked back to the bed with him, or mostly leaning on him. Once i got there, i slumped down on the bed still petrified by the image stuck in my head.

"I-it felt s-so real" i cried, my voice muffled by Lefahn's shoulder.

"I know, i know" he said hugging me to him, before he pulled the covers back on the bed and laid us both down under them.

We fell asleep that way, and i didn't have nightmares for the rest of the night.



Okay, so i know this chapter is really super short, but i really just wanted to end it there. i hope to have a new chapter up soon, and i'm so happy:) i just reached 800 reads, and i only need 200 more till 1000 which would be an awesome Christmas gift for me:)

Also, please tell me if you have any ideas about what they are going to do next, and what you want to see happen.

If you have any suggestions about what they should do later on, please tell me. i really want to add some stuff to the plot:)

Merry Christmas:)

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