Confessions [3]

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Colson and rook Laid in bed, limbs intertwined as they held Each other Tightly,That was till Colson's alarm begin to go off, making rook groan Loudly, pulling the blanket over his head,laying his head on the blondes stomach, Colson laughed quietly,watching rook pull the blanket over him, colson put his hand under The Covers, running his hand Threw the Younger mans hair, once rook felt colsons Hand he opened his eyes, lifting the covers a little bit So he could make eye contact Wth The blue eyed man,colson Looked down at his Drummer, "well hello sleepy head,are you ready to get up yet", Colson said, rook show his Head then went Back under, "nope I'm good I'm very comfortable", rook said,making colson Laugh, before The blond could say anything someone knocked on The Door, rook laid under the blanket, turning his body, noticing the blue eyed boy Had Morning Wood, colson had said come in too whoever Was at The Door, "It's time to get up we have a flight to catch,have you seen rook?" Slim asked just as rook began Palming colson Threw his Thin boxers, "u-uh h-he is in my bathroom" Colson told him With a Stutter, Rook held in a laugh, Continuing to palm the blondes hard erection, slim Just nodded before Closing the door, going back to Packing, Once Slim Left rook started laughing, Colson lifted the covers,making Rook Scoot up so he was face to face to Colson, "Looks likes it's Time for me To get ready" rook said, pecking colson Lips, before getting out the bed about to walk out but colson pulled him back by his wast, "you cant Just tease me and Expect me to let you get away with it", Colson said, Running his hands Down, gripping The Drummers ass, Rook Smiles as He ran his fingertips over The blonds arm "mm to bad Deal With it maybe you will get some later", Rook Said, Leaning Down for another kiss,Colson sighs before he leaned up, pecking Rooks lips, Rook smiles,walking out to go to his bunk,he pulled out his Suitcase, pulling out a pair of New boxes along with grey Sweatpants, and a random loose fitting shirt,Rook then walked into bathroom, taking a quick Shower, once he was out Rook got ready, walking out when he was done , he met everyone but Colson in the kitchen, grabbing a bowl to pour himself some Frosted Flakes, Once all the boys Ate and got Dressed They grabbed There Luggage, Leaving the bus, they all entered the airport, walking into Their private Jet.

•in Cleveland•

The boys landed in cleveland a couple hours later, The walked out There Jet and walk to their rental car colson's manager ashleigh got Them, rook Sat Next to Colson as they all Climbed in, Minutes later the boys arrived got at There luxury hotel, so they get out the car going Into The luxury building, ashleigh gave Colson four cards Slim and baze in a room rooks with me" colson said passing out the keys, Dub and ashleigh got there own room all boys took the elevator up to floor six, Seperating into their rooms, The blond Closed The Door after his green eyed Lover had entered, rook Walked over to The Single bed in Their room, putting his Suitcase under it, he then laid Down followed by colson laying Down Next to Him, rook rolled over to lay his head on the blonds Chest "I will get you back for Teasing Me earlier", colson said making rook laugh, "Oh yeah What you gonna do punish me", rook asked Jokingly, Colson Flips Them over So he now hovered over the brunette, "We Dont have a show for a couple Days so I will Tease you till you beg me to fuck you", Colson said, kissing rooks lips before Pressing his body Down on his Drummer that he fell in love with, "yeah ok We will see About that, When I Dont end up begging you to busy a bit in me What you Gonna Do"rook said as he lets out a laugh, Colson chuckles at the green eyed mans response "well we will just have to wait won't we",Colson said, laying on his back then pulling rook onto him, Rook just nodded as he laid his head in the blue eyes mans neck, running his hands up Colsons shirts to feel his warmth, Colson smiled,enjoying how his lovers hands felt on him, he'd never get sick the younger mans touch,it's too addicting he though, Colson pulled himself out his thoughts to pull the hotels white covers over there body's, rook fell asleep as colson turned on the tv,watching whatever turned on, letting his hands Rome over his lovers body.

•night time•

Ashleigh knocked loudly on Colson and rooks door, yelling at them to come down for dinner, rook sat up on Colson's lap as he rubbed the tiredness out his eyes, "we are up,we will be down in a little bit", rook yelled back, which caused Colson to finally wake up, the blonde boys hands instantly found there way to his lovers waist, rook looked down at colson, smiling down at him before he got up, "time to get up,dinners ready down stairs", rook told the blue eyed boy, walking into their shared bathroom, the green eyed boy fixed his hair then fixed his sweatpants, taking of his shirt off, pulling on a tight black tee that his name was on in bold red letters with a cool font, Colson got out he bed, leaving on his black skinny jeans and white top, he walked into the bathroom with rook, deciding he'd leave his hair messy as It was his new style, when both boys were ready they walked out their room, making there way to meet up with the others, once they spotted the rest of the crew at a big table they sat with them, put his hand on rooks inner thigh under the table after they all got there food, rook looked down at his lap, letting out a chuckle to himself, leaning in to colson so he'd only heard him, "you better not start this here Colson" rook told the blond, Colson just smirked as he moved his hand further up, stopping on rooks already visible cock print, "your already hard", Colson whispers to rook with a smirk , "Im always hard, especially after waking up so don't flatter yourself", rook told Colson with a chuckle as he ate his food, putting his free to put it on Colsons cock, "mhm just what I thought,it never went away" rook said with a smirk,knowing Colson had no time to pleasure himself before getting on there flight,Colson just rolled his eyes as he glared at rook, everyone else in the crew were in there own conversation so the didn't notice that Colson and rook finished there dinner before getting up from the table, going back to there room, Colson pushed rook up against the wall once they were in all the way, "mmm,I'd love to continue this but we have a bet going on", rook said pulling away,Colson groans as he let rook walk off, rook let out a giggle as he walked to their bed,taking his pants off along with his shirt then laid down in the bed in his boxers, Colson did the same, turning rook on his side so they now were in a spooning position, "imma definitely get you back for this jp", Colson said using his lovers real name, rook shook his head, pushing himself up against his blue eyed lover, "yeah alright whatever you say Colson go to sleep", rook said, closing his eyes, Colson laid his head in his lovers neck, minutes past as the boys slowly fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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