Remember me

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Oops I forgot about this story for over 2 year I'm so sorry haha... 😬 anyway let's continue (spoiler for the manga just a little bit )

"Tobio remember what I told you? If you get really good someone even better will come after you and find you."

Kageyamas eyes shot open. He sat up and looked over at his clock. 4am. He would have to get up in an hour for practice. He sat there for a moment repeating his grandfathers words. Oh how much he missed him. It's only been a few years bet it only felt like it was yesterday that he was here and breathing giving Kageyama the courage to play volleyball.  After what felt like an hour of starring at a wall, thinking, he got up and went to get ready. When he came out of the shower, he went over to his school bag to try to finish some school works so he wouldn't fall to far behind. Upon opening his bag a letter fell out. Oh right the love letter.. he reached down and grabbed it. Flipping the seal open he took it out and began to read it.
Dear Kageyama Tobio,
Hello my dear. This is a little embarrassing to write to you like this but I couldn't help notice you when your playing volleyball. You look so clam and sweet when your not you always have a scowl on your face. I find it funny. I wonder if I should talk to you one of these days about my feelings to you..
from anonymous

Huh? Kageyama thought. This was sure a very different kind of love letter. Was it a love letter? I mean they did say they like him but it was kinda in a low key way. An admirer maybe? Who knows. He put the letter on his desk and looked at the time. Maybe homework can wait till after school. He was gonna be late now if he didn't leave soon.

Walking down the road leading to the school he thought back to when he bumped into tsukishima earlier yesterday day, and how he always calls him king, had the passing of his grandfather really made him a different person.. has he been acting out to much to his teammates?

(Sorry it was short. I haven't written anything in a long time so I hope this is ok?)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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