Annabelle gets adopted by Ariana

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*At the orphanage*

Annabelle's POV

Another day here and still no one has come to adopt me. I walked to my room and layed down on my bed sighing. I looked to my side and I saw my old teddy bear, Arielle. I had her since I was 5. I grabbed her and brought her close to me.

"Oh Arielle," I say "When will be the day that someone just come here and adopt me?"

I hear a ring coming from my phone and I grabbed it and I got a text message from my best friend Zendaya and she tells me that she heard from one of the girls here that Ariana Grande is coming to the orphanage to adopt one of us

"OMG, that has been my dream since... Forever" I text her "I can't believe that my favorite singer is coming here"

After I finished texting Zendaya, I started getting ready for when Ariana gets here. She has been my favorite singer since her album Yours Truly came out last year. I want her to adopt me. It's my dream.

"Don't worry Arielle," I tell my teddy bear "When Ari chooses me to adopt me, I'll bring you with me"

Ariana's POV

I'm on my way to the orphanage now. I've tweeted to my fans that I was planning on adopting a child and they have been very supportive of me. I'm so happy to have fans that support me. I wonder how I should tell Harry. He has been my boyfriend for a while now. We just don't want to tell the public that we're dating yet. We'll just tell them when we're ready. And by we, I mean Harry. Once I adopt one of the girls here, I'll tell him and he'll be happy that we're finally having a child, even if it's not one of our own. I arrive at the orphanage and I park the car and I get out and walk inside.

"Hello" the head of the orphanage said once she saw me walk in "You must be Ariana Grande. I'm guessing you're here to adopt one of the girls here?"

"Yes" I say "I've always wanted a child. And I can't wait to tell my boyfriend about it"

"Well I'm pretty sure he'll make a great dad" she said "Now come on, let me introduce you to the girls here"

Annabelle's POV

I'm in my room when I hear Ms. Selena talking to someone. I open my door and I see none other than Ariana Grande. I wonder if she's going to pick me to adopt.

"And here we have Annabelle" Ms. Selena said "She has been here for a while now. Her dad used to abuse her ever since her mom died and she has been here since"

"I want to adopt her" Ariana says

"Alright. Anna, why don't you go pack your things while I take Ms. Grande to fill in some papers so she can be adoptive mother" Ms. Selena said

I walk back to my room and close the door. My dream came true. Ariana Grande is adopting me. I wonder what her house is like. What if she has a boyfriend? I don't trust men. Not since my dad who used to abuse me since my mom died. I look down at the necklace that I had around my neck. It's my mom's. I've had it since she died. I hold on to it as a tear fell down my cheek. I miss her. But now I'm going to have a new mom so now I can be happy. I finish packing my things and I walk out of my room and I put Arielle in my purse.

"Ready to go?" Ariana asked once she saw me

"Yes" I say

Me and Ariana walk out of the orphanage and we get in her car and drive off to her house. Once we got there, I got out and I walked in and I saw Harry Styles. What is he doing here?

"Ariana?" I say "What is Harry Styles doing here in your house?"

Ariana walks inside sees Harry and she kisses him. What is going on?

"What's going on?" I ask

"Anna, this is my boyfriend Harry" Ariana says once she pulled away "Harry, this is Annabelle, she's going to be our daughter since I just adopted her

So that's the first chapter of the story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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