I'm here for you

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(tw for some sentences)

You're not alone! I know what depression feels like and it's a horrible feeling but you can get through it! I might not have it myself but I know a lot of people that do. You're loved, amazing, intelligent, talented, beautiful/handsome, and you're just perfect in many ways!

Don't worry about what others think, they're just jealous and want to be like you or they just have no one to talk to so they think bullying would make them feel better. I've been bullied myself and I was a crybaby about it.

Everyone has different things going on in their life that you don't know about. Child ab/se, su!c!dal thoughts, depress!ve ep!s*des, anx!ety attacks, having t*x!c friends, pan!c attacks, etc.

As a person that has/had su!c!dal intentions, it really hurts thinking that no one would ever care. For me, I know people care but my brain and/or body won't let me believe it, if that makes sense.

You can't be too fat.
Can't be too skinny.
Can't be too smart.
Can't be too dumb.
Can't have too much makeup.
Can't have no makeup.
Can't be bitchy.
Can't be shy.
Can't be too sensitive.
Can't be too tough.
Can't be too tall.
Can't be too short.

That's all people care about nowadays when it shouldn't matter what you look like. Let me be your mirror. It's okay to be LGBTQ+, it's not a sin! Jesus did something for two gay men, I forgot what it was though. But here's some motivation^^

You'll always be beautiful/handsome.
You'll always be smart.
You'll always be the perfect weight.
You'll always be the perfect height.
You'll always be valid.
You'll always be at least a little happy.
And you'll most definitely always be a sweetheart.

Don't bully others because of your insecurities. Talk about it to people you trust, I'm sure they'll listen. Bullying won't help anything, it may or may not make you feel worse.

I'll be here for you when you want to vent/rant. My dms are always open for you! I'll try my best to make you feel better even if I suck at making others feel happy. I love you all although I might not know you. Stay safe everyone! Again, you're not alone and I love you!! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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