Nash's first Christmas.

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“The ham is in the oven.” I took my apron off, “You excited for everyone coming to our place to open gifts?” Joe walked in,shirtless and holding Nash. “I always get nervous when everyone is over..I don’t know why..” he went over and kissed my cheek, “It’ll be fine. Luckily they all have hotels now and no one has to stay the night.”

“I bet you like that.” I pecked his lips. “Go get ready,everyone is about to be here.” I giggled, he handed Nash to me and headed upstairs. “Hey cutie.” I kissed his cheek, he pointed to the tree, “Yep, Santa came and gave your gifts. We get to open them soon. Let’s get you dressed.” I carried him upstairs. I got him in his Santa outfit. “You’re so cute. I’m so in love!” I kissed his cheek.

“What are you doing to our kid?” Joe snaked his arm around me, “He’s baby Santa.” I smiled widely at him, Joe shook his head, “Poor guy..”

“Hey,he’s not going to let me do this to him when he gets older,I have to take advantage of him.” I grinned, “Be happy it’s not you.” I winked. “Now I need to change.” I headed up to our bedroom and quickly changed into light blue jeans and a red off the shoulder sweater that says, ‘Merry Christmas ya dirty animal’ on it. I slipped on my gray uggs and tied a red ribbon in my hair.

“They’re here!” Joe called out, “Okay!” I headed downstairs. “You got to be kidding me!” I looked at him as he turned around, “Wh--” he noticed and started laughing, “I wore it first! If you don’t want to match,you’re changing.” I rolled my eyes, “I’ll guess we’ll be that couple.” I opened the door,leaving Joe laughing.

“Merry Christmas Danielle and Kevy! Oh and you Alena Rose!” I hugged them, “Merry Christmas!” Kevin hugged me tight. “Merry Christmas,brother.” Joe hugged him sideways since he was holding Nash.

“Come help me bring in the gifts.” Joe rolled his eyes and place Nash in his playpen., “Bossing me around in my own house.” they walked to Kevin’s car. “Do you think Alena will fit too?” Dani rocked her. “Yeah of course!” she placed her down. “What’s smelling good in here?”

“It could be the ham in the oven or that Christmas candle over there.” I laughed, “Well,it’s good.”

“Hello,hello!” Denise came in, “Hi!” I hugged her, “Hey Paul!” I hugged him and then Frankie, “Hi Frankie.” I fixed my sweater, “How was the ride here?” I looked at them,then watched Kevin and Joe carrying in gifts.  “It was good,surprisingly.. Pretty rough on getting out of New Jersey,but the weather was great!” Paul nodded.

“Watch Nick be the last one here. He’s skipping out on bringing in gifts.” Joe bro-fived Kevin, “Babe,where’s the holiday spirit!?” I looked at him, “It disappeared once I had everyone coming over.” he went back outside to continue bringing in gifts, “Hi Mrs. and Mr. DeLaGarza!” I heard Joe say and a big smile appeared on my face.

“Mommy! Daddy! Dallas! Maddie!” I ran and hugged them all, “Hey baby!” my mom kissed my temple, “Hey Paul and Denise.” Everyone said their hellos. “Everyone is here except Nick.” Joe place the last gift under the tree.

“Text him and see where he’s at.” Denise sat down, “Anyone want some coffee?” I offered, just about everyone nodded their head, so I headed to the kitchen.

“He’s almost here.” Joe read out loud, “That was fast.” Kevin sat down next to Danielle, “I think it was Jordan,because she makes smiley face with the parenthesis after the colons.”

“Yeah,that’s Jordan. Nick usually does the parenthesis first.” Kevin nodded, I had to laugh, “Glad you boys know how your brother text.” I handed a cup of coffee to Paul and Denise. “Thank you,Demi.” Denise smiled at me, I went to give everyone else their coffee. Nick finally walked in along with Jordan.

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