Season 1 Chapter 0: Destruction is born.

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         ----------------------In A abandoned Warehouse, 5 years before the start of your journey-----------------

*Two Figures hidden in darkness would be seen talking to each other and you can barely make out what they say from afar*

???: So, have you finished your part of the deal?

???2: Yes Sir, the subject is at this time waiting for you to come meet it and trust me when i say that it will that its gonna be tough to get it to listen.

???: Heh.... It has no choice but to listen, after all it is a Pokemon created for the sole purpose of helping me rule the world. 

???2: Now where is my payment?

???: Hn *the figure would snap his fingers and two other team rocket grunts with a Meowth would come out of the shadows holding a Pokeball each*

???2: W..What?! What is this, you said to come here alone!

???:....I lied. Deal with  him, I have a Pokemon i need to control.

???2: C..curse you Giov- 

*A loud explosion could be heard and the other man would look over at where your watching from*

???: Hm? I thought that he said he came alone, guess i'm not the only person who lied here. Alex and Emma, remove him from my presence. 

*A Zubat and Nidorina would walk out of the shadows and charge up a double hidden power aiming at you*

???2: Quick Magmar, Use Fire Blast! 

*A Massive Human shaped Fireball would fly in front of you and knock out the Zubat and Nidorina causing an explosion*

*A Massive Human shaped Fireball would fly in front of you and knock out the Zubat and Nidorina causing an explosion*

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You: W..what the heck is going on?!

*You would feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn around to see an old man whose face you can finally see thanks to the bright light from the explosion*

*You would feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn around to see an old man whose face you can finally see thanks to the bright light from the explosion*

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???2: Young man, i don't know what you were doing here but it isn't safe. Run and don't tell anyone of what has happened here and make sure to remember to beware team rocket.

You: B..bu-

???2: This isn't me telling you this as a old man you don't know, this is me telling you as a gym leader. NOW RUN!

*You Slightly shocked about finding out the old man was a gym leader, run away scared of being caught in the crossfire*

???2: Now that the civilian is out of the way, we can go all out! *The old man would call out a Ninetales* I'm ending team rocket right here and right now Giovanni!

Giovanni: If my minions couldn't defeat you, then i another gym leader shall destroy you and then go get my weapon... *He would call out a Nidoking that looks larger and scarier then normal*  Use hyper beam.

 *He would call out a Nidoking that looks larger and scarier then normal*  Use hyper beam

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 Nidoking: Nido

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 Nidoking: Nido... KING!

???2: ARGH! *the Warehouse would collapse with the old man still inside*

-------------------------Time Skip to when Giovanni and his grunts get to the Lab where this mysterious pokemon is------

*Giovanni and his grunts would enter cautiously in case the old man had a back-up plan*

Giovanni: Hmm... Where are you..

Meowth: Hey Boss, look over here!

*The Humans would walk over to where Meowth is and see a test tube slowly cracking*

Giovanni: So, it is awake.. Heh, let the fun... Begin.

*The Test Tube would fully crack and a Pokemon would be seen sitting on the remains seemingly asleep*

*The Test Tube would fully crack and a Pokemon would be seen sitting on the remains seemingly asleep*

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 Giovanni: Welcome to this world my weapon

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 Giovanni: Welcome to this world my weapon... Mewtwo.

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