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Yeri bites her lower lip hard.Blood drips down her chin,she feels hopeless as she stares out into the vast sky.It was a cloudy morning,the chill wind blows away her strands of brunette hair from her eyes. The cold hazel eyes looks down from the rooftop where she is standing. 

She arrived early to school that morning.

To die.

"Jump,no one cares.Just fucking jump,no one fucking cares,"

No one cares..

Those three words.The three words that clouds her mind every single day.The three words that can actually drive someone crazy.

Yeri hits her chest,her eyes feels heavy.Without her knowing,her tears streamed down her cheeks.She keeps hitting her chest,trying to get rid of the pain in her heart.

"Why?Why is life so hard?" 

The frustration that was built inside her rages. All the bullying,all the abuse,all of the shits she went through in her life starting to pop inside her mind one by one.

There's nothing that she did not forget. She remembers every single moment of  how tortured she felt.

Clenching the metal railing harder,her tears rolls down again.Yeri feels nothing matters anymore.She can see her tears and her blood on the floor. There's no more fear.

She was losing and breaking herself.

Gulping her sobs,she swallows the bitter taste of her saliva. 

"Yeri-ah.I'm sorry.I'm so sorry," she muttered under her breath while stepping on the railing.

Her tears blurred her vision, she stands on the railing,everything was so small to her eyes.She smiles at the thought,if only everything in her life was as small as it. If only she didn't have feelings maybe things wouldn't be so complicated.


The door knob twisted and opens.


A boy wearing a white hoodie appeared at her back. His eyes widens at what he was witnessing,he pulls Yeri's school blazer causing her to fall back on the floor of the rooftop.

The boy caught the sight of her red eyes and stains of dried tears on her cheeks. 

She looked at the person beside her,the face she has never seen before. 

"What the heck is wrong with you?" 

"Do you expect me to not do anything when you're out here really trying to die?I won't let you!Even if school is that hard you shouldn't give up-" 

Yeri snatched the name tag on the boy's hoodie.

Park Jimin

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