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the sun was shining brightly today. as if the heavens were celebrating something so joyous that they deemed earth worthy of this perpetual sunny day.

as the sun shone it's golden light across the cerulean canvas painted above, the birds hummed to the soulful melodies of their calming aria. at the moment, i feel my body float and dance with trees. it was a fleeting moment.

"sooyoung, my dear, i will leave you to play for a while okay?" softly, my mother told me. caressing my face and then planting a soft kiss on my head as she snatched me away from my wandering thoughts.

"okay mom. i will just stay here until you return." she smiled to me and then waved her hand goodbye. in just a few seconds, she was already gone. and i am left by myself in this park with children my age whom i do not know about.

i looked up once more and admired the painting that is the sky. a few shrouds of white clouds were splattered across like splotches of white paint in ever blue paint. i sighed and then inhaled some fresh air filling my lungs oxygen so fresh that it felt light in my body.

few minutes have passed and i just sat there while looking around the park. i watched as the flowers swayed as the wind invite it to a dance. they swayed in rhythm with the branches above. they're in tune and is like listening to the same music that the wind is singing, or humming. it was a sight. a perfectly good sight.

and as the clock ticked further, my thoughts started to wonder farther. farther unto the land of daydreams and fairies. of glittering fruits and talking flowers. of singing birds and self-playing instruments. it was until i felt someone crashed unto me that i snapped out of my daydreaming.

"oh gosh are you okay?" i asked the other child who's now crying. he had his head in between his arms and knees. he has a big gash on his elbow and his calf. i looked around the park to see what caused this incident and saw two boys that looks older than him by two years standing just near us and laughing.

the boy that crashed unto me continued to cry. and he cried and cried so loudly. seeing how the other children were starting to look at him, and some others are already whispering and pointing at him, i helped him on getting up and lead him away to the park where the others couldn't see him crying.

noticing that he didn't respond to my previous question, i tried changing my question and also introduced myself.

"hi! my name is sooyoung! what's yours?"

「 one day, day one 」 joy x doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now