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so this is pretty much just like a summary of what I plan to do with this book. I don't know who Kari will end up with, this is just the idea I have so feel free to shoot me a message on here on who you would like her to end up with. I will eventually see which boy has the most votes and will take it from there. I don't like to tell you guys who the protagnoist ends up with because then it takes away the fun and suspense :)


Kari King: 16 years old (her name is pronounced CAR-EE for those if you who don't know)

Charlie King: 12 years old

Chrys King: 10 years old

Cameron Dallas: 20 years old

Taylor Caniff: 19 years old

Because of the whole Carter incident with Maggie I'm going to kind of pretend he doesn't exist so I'm sorry if any of you don't like my decision.

Matt Espinosa: 18 years old

Shawn Mendes: 16 years old

Aaron Carpenter: 16 years old

Nash Grier: 17 years old

Hayes Grier: 15 years old

Jack Johnson: 19 years old

Jack Gilinsky: 18 years old


So this will be my second fan fiction and I hope you enjoy it. I know the boys broke up but I kind of like to pretend that they didn't so you're going to have to deal with it :) sorry.

I will not start writing it until I have finished The Secret Life of Malia Dallas so you should go read that, but once I am done I will try to start writing this right away!


-simplicational's queen

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