You get caught

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Author's Note: Part 3. And I have to say....more people are reading it than i thought they would. Oh and don't be afraid to fan me!


*Ali's POV*

It's been a day. Things have been okay.....Until I was stupid and decided to...ya know... 'have fun' with my boyfriend Jeff at my house. Kendall was home too. Things were no longer okay.


Kendall: Wait until mom and dad hear about this! Ali you can't do this!

Ali: Why not?

Kendall: Cuz it's bad!

Ali: You only think it'sbad cuz you've never had it!

Kendall: Yes I have, Jeff get out.

Jeff: I really should go so I'm not a witness for when you two kill each other.

Katie: (walks in just in time to hear that) Haha! Oh Jeff, your the best hah...

Ali: Yup (Jeff and Ali start making out)

Kendall: Jeff! Now!

Ali: Why'd you make him leave?

Kendall: Cuz you were bad.

Ali: Bad? Sex isn't bad dumass! Which is why your not gonna tell mom and dad.

Kendall: Yes I am.

Ali: No! Why? Are you trying to ruin my life?!

Kendall: I'm not! Your only 15!

Ali: So? 12 year olds have probably done it! SO DON'T TELL.

Kendall: Fine.

Alli: I don't know if I can trust you on that one.

Katie: (pushes him agianst the wall) Oh you can trust him.

*Ali's POV*

See, we live sorta close to the dance studio so Kendall usually makes us walk there and back. It's a pain in the ass, but Kendall claims it's 'more exercise'. As if we don't already do enough.


Ali: Oh, and you have to drive  us to dance all this week instead of making us walk.

Kendall: Okay, will do.

Ali: Great. Can I have Jeff over tomorrow?

Kendall: Ugh, okay.

Ali: Oh, one more thing, buy Jeff more condoms.

Kendall: No!

Ali: Why? Jeez, at least t's somehwhat safe! Or would you rather me be pregnant?

Kendall: I'd rather you not do it at all.

Ali: Well you can't control me so your out of luck

Kendall: Mom and dad are just a phone call away....

Ali: Damn. But your not going to be watching us every second, so ha!

Kendall: Hey Katie, wanna do me a favor?

Ali: She's my friend! She's not gonna watch us that's weird!

Katie: No, I really don't feel like watching them.

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