I almost killed Her

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Octave's POV ~

We just started the fight. It's going... I don't know. I haven't even fought yet so no one but sting knows how powerful i am yet. Every time i see Rogue, all I can think about is him calling me a monster. So i death glare him every time I see him. I think I scare him when I do that. I can see it in his eyes when we make eye contact and I glare.

*time skip*

Wendy found me. She got me fighting. She used her rawr on me. Then I used the same rawr in her. She looked surprised and used wing attack. Then i used white dragon rawr. And that knocked her down. Like unconscious. Then i used my healing spell to wake her up. I used it and ran away. I thought no i just almost killed her. I hope not.

I went back to the open part where sting and natsu were. I saw natsu use rawr and knock sting to the ground. Then i used god slayer, ice mode, and did rawr on natsu, causing him to loose. I knew already that we were going to win. I am too powerful for anyone to beat me.

After the fight, we headed back to fairytail. Guess who one, that's right, us. I finally got my mark too. And so did Fuchsia. My mark is rainbow and fichsia's is black. Sting decided he was going to join, so he got his mark on his arm in white. Rogue was being an ass and decided to go back right after the fight. I hate him. He used to be so nice. Now he is a complete jerk. I don't know what came over him. Fri wanted to stay with Fuchsia because they are like, Besties. But stupid Rogue had to leave.

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