Help Me!

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"Feel better?" A mocking voice sounded behind him.

Pete turned, frowning; his eyes not even trying to disguise the contempt with which he held the owner.

"It won't last, you know... and, you do know, don't you, Wentz?"
"Fuck off, Spencer," Pete pushed him back out of the way while he looked around to get his bearings. "I'm not interested in your opinion."

Spencer laughed as Pete headed for the patrol car, checking it over quickly to see if it was still functional.

"It's not an opinion and you know it," he replied flatly.

Brushing the broken glass off the driver's seat and forcing out what remained of the windshield, Pete climbed inside only to sigh in irritation as he glanced to his right as he noticed Spencer already sitting alongside him in the passenger seat – uninvited and unwelcome.

"Get out!" he yelled harshly, extending his arm to shove at the older vampire.
"I'm not going anywhere," Spencer snapped back, batting away Pete's arm with surprising ease. "You're not the only one who has a score to settle with Beckett, you know!"

Pete pulled sharply out into traffic, not even bothering to look. Even despite the late hour, he heard the screech of brakes behind him as he took to the road, smirking to himself that nobody dared sound their horn at a patrol car – certainly not in this town, not if they valued their lives. Setting off at almost twice the speed allowable by the limit, he headed to the office district.

"Just stay out of my way," he finally growled at Spencer as he pulled the seatbelt across his body, fastening it carefully.
"Stay out of your way!" Spencer replied with a sinister chuckle. "Listen to me, Wentz, the only reason you have a problem with Beckett is because of your pathetic sense of melodrama!" Changing his voice to a higher pitched whine, he continued: "Poor you! Turned into a vampire against your will." Dropping his voice several tones back to his normal voice, he took on a harsher, angry edge. "Well, boo hoo! Do you think anyone jumps up and down and shouts 'Hey! Bite me! Bite me!'? But you know what? Most of us... no, strike that... everyone except you simply accepts it, embraces it, enjoys it. We don't walk around whining and crying! You have no reason for revenge! Beckett made you strong with his special treatment of you, you should be thanking him!"

As Spencer continued his tirade, Pete's fingers curled tighter and tighter around the steering wheel. His knuckles white, jaw tightly clenched and his dark eyes glowering with fury. If there was one thing of which he was certain, it was that he did not appreciate Spencer's lecture.

"Me?" Spencer continued. "I was left for dead, condemned to an eternity without blood, unable to move, unable to do anything but think and eventually go mad with hunger. Beckett tried to destroy me and now, I want the same for him, but I'm going to make sure no one can ever rescue him. You! The only reason you're still rejecting what you are is your continued pathetic refusal to drink human blood, but that's all changing now isn't it?" he turned a sly glance towards Pete, now rigid and reddening with anger. "You're addicted now," he laughed again. "There's no going back, it's only a matter of time before you lose yourself completely."

Without a hint of a warning, Pete slammed both feet hard on the brake, bringing the car to a screeching and skidding halt bumping up onto the sidewalk and almost turning over as it hit. Thrown forward, despite being prepared for the sudden stop, Pete suffered a minor burn from the seatbelt, but it paled into insignificance as his mouth curled up in vengeful delight as he watched Spencer propelled at great speed through the missing windshield. Relishing watching him bounce and roll down the centre of the road into oncoming traffic, Pete threw the car into reverse, before rejoining the road and continuing his journey.

"I feel better now I've lost you completely," he muttered to himself angrily, resisting the temptation to contact Patrick in case Beckett had regained control of his thoughts. The very last thing he wanted was to give away his approach.

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