Part 3

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        (Eddie's POV): I could see Justine visibly shaking as I walked her up to my hotel room. I have a feeling she expects us to do more than just talk. When we stepped inside, I put my hand on her shoulder and she almost jumped out of her skin. I jumped back from her, putting my hands up. "I was just going to tell you to make yourself comfortable!" I said. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Eddie. I don't know what's wrong with me right now." "Maybe you need a drink?" I suggested. "I can't drink. I'm only 20." Justine said. My mouth quirked into a smile. "You actually follow that law?" "I follow every law." she said as if that were the normal thing to do. I chuckled. How did I land such a good girl? I thought to myself. "Well there's some beer and wine in the fridge. Help yourself if you change your mind." I said. I went to the fridge and pulled a beer out for myself then went to the bathroom to start my shower.

        While I was in there, all I could think about was Justine joining me. To watch her undress in front of me then get in the shower and let me lather her up with soap. I turned the water to cold so I could cool off. When I was done, I went back into the bedroom to find Justine sitting down on the very edge of the bed. It looked like she was scared to be sitting there. When she turned around and saw me standing there all wet with just a towel on, her mouth dropped. "Oh God. I mean gosh. Oh gosh." she said panicking. "Relax. I'm just a wet naked man. No trouble here." "Well are you going to...put some clothes on?" Justine asked, her eyes following me across the room as I walked to the dresser. "Yes because I can tell you're obviously uncomfortable."

        Justine sighed. "I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm just a little weird when it comes to stuff like this. I don't know what I'm doing." "We don't have to do anything. I just want to get to know you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Now cover your eyes because I'm about to drop this towel." she quickly turned her head and I took off my towel to change into some pajama pants and an old band tee shirt. "It's safe now." I grabbed my beer and went over to the bed. "Want a sip?" she shook her head. "Come on. It tastes like candy." she wrinkled her nose. "I doubt it." "Ok, you're right, but it might help you relax. Actually the wine is probably better for you. I'll get you a glass." I said getting back up. "No, Eddie, really I-" "Just one drink and that's it." "Really, Eddie, I'd rather not." Justine said. "Do you want to be a bundle of nerves all night?" she shook her head. "This will calm you."

        I poured her a glass of red wine and handed it to her. She was hesitant at first but took a sip anyway. "Keep drinking." I said when she looked nervously up at me. She finished off the glass and I poured her another. "Is this your way of getting in my pants?" "This is my way of getting you to relax and not be afraid of me." I said. I put the wine back knowing more than two drinks would be too much for her and joined her on the bed. After her second glass she set it down on the nightstand. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Like my head is spinning." "Come lay down next to me." She came over and laid beside me, her hands clasped together on top of her stomach.

        "I really like you, Justine." "I like you too, Eddie." she said with a smile. I pushed myself up onto my elbow and looked down at her "Why though? I'm so fucked up and you're so...perfect. I can't imagine why you would like me." "You're sweet and nice to me. I feel safe around you." Justine said. "Really? Why are you so jumpy around me then?" I asked. "Because I wasn't sure what tonight would lead to." "It'll probably lead to us having a deep conversation then falling asleep next to each other." she frowned. "That doesn't sound so bad." I chuckled. "Yeah well I'm not so bad. Fucked up but not so bad."

       Justine reached her hand up and stroked my cheek. "I don't think you're...fucked up." she smiled when she said fucked. She's probably not used to saying that. "I have a feeling I'm going to be a very bad influence on you." I said. She laughed. "It's possible. Will you tell me something?" "What?" I asked. "How old are you?" I could feel my cheeks turn a little red as I smiled shyly. "28." "You don't look that old." "Thanks. I don't feel that old either." "Can I ask you something else?" Justine said. "Ask me anything." "What makes you have so much emotion when you sing?" I furrowed my eyebrows, not expecting a question like that. "I guess I'm just very passionate about it. Those lyrics, that music, it speaks to me and it heals me and it gives me a chance to let out whatever the hell I need to get out. Sometimes I get angry and sometimes I get sad and sometimes I get happy and all of those emotions come out together when I'm on stage. It's kind of strange but soothing actually. Music and performing is like my therapy." I said.

        Justine got up on her elbow and kissed me. "Well it helps you and it helps others so keep doing it. You have a gift." I smiled. "Thank you." she put her hand in my wet hair and kissed me harder. I put my hand on her hip but I let her go as far as she wanted to, not wanting to pressure her. When she pulled away, she laid her head on my shoulder. "If I stay the night, will you promise we won't do anything?" I took her hand and kissed it. "I promise." she lifted her head up to look at me. "May I stay the night?" "Of course."

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