Trust Written CE

117 14 8

My contest entry: photographygirl3

Prompt Chosen: B

Trust is a wonderful thing to have.
When you earn the trust of a person for even one thing, it won't take long for it to be blind. Trust me, I am experienced.
The woman sitting in front of me, lifting up her glass to meet mine with a clink is a living example, though not for long.
All I had to do was pull her away from a car about to crash into her. That was all that I had to do for her to invite me out for coffee. Sip by sip, I turned on my charm. A joke here, a compliment there.
Two meetings later, my plan had been concretized and that brings us back to now, a formal jacket over my shirt and a red dress hugging her curves, champagne glasses in hand and smiles staining our faces.
Soon that smile would be wiped off. Her name would spread on the news like wildfire, that red smile seemingly immortalised. Though, that would fade away. The flames would extinguish and disintegrate just like her body.
And me? Well, who would lose trust in me? I was the one who had once saved her. I would once again shrink back into the crowds until I meet someone new. Someone just as nameless as her. Just as naïve. Just as trusting.
Trust is such a wonderful thing to have.


That was my entry and it is so less than the word limit lol. I hope that's okay.


Omg I won first place!

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