[🥀] Meg and Zalk - Say You're Sorry

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Inspired by this tumblr post: https://write-it-motherfuckers.tumblr.com/post/185508745557/person-a-this-is-generally-the-part-where-people

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this oneshot! ^^

Meg was a patient person. He might not have seemed like it, but he was observant too. He knew when people wanted him to leave them alone, when people needed something to laugh at, or when sometimes just someone to talk. Meg was patient, and could be all of those things when he was needed. But when he met Zalk, he was different from his usual. He was different and difficult to understand, and Meg enjoyed a challenge. He stuck by Zalk's side for so long, and followed through with whatever he asked of him, rarely asking for anything back in return. Afterall, Meg wanted to understand him and the things he does. He was patient, through and through, no matter how poorly he was treated or how often he got ignored. Zalk's his best friend, and he knows it means the world to him that Meg did his best to understand... right?

After some time, Meg started to understand, but not because Zalk helped him understand. No, infact, Meg had to go through even more confusing and harsh things to finally, finally understand what was going on in Zalk's life behind the scenes. And what Meg found out, when he finally realized, gave Zalk the final push to explain properly everything that he had put Meg through. Everything he'd done behind Meg's back, the plotting, the hurt, the pain he caused for others and his best friend. Best friends...
The scarf-wearing brunet stared at Zalk, his friend looking down at his own crossed arms when the explanation was done. Both males stood there in eerie silence, no other being present in the room except for them. Meg processed the information slowly. So this is what he endured all that suffering for, all that hurt for something like that? He couldn't believe the outrageousness of their situation, and snorted.
Zalk stiffened but didn't look up as Meg started to laugh. His laugh was shaky, sounding in disbelief, wet from trying to hold back his hurt feelings. "Hah... You know, this is uh... generally the part where people apologize, Zalk."
A long, painful silence followed after that weak retort. Too long, Zalk finally replied curtly with "I know."
Meg blinked, taken aback by the cold response. His hands curled into fists, shaking with a mixture of both outrage and despair. "Then why haven't you said anything?!"
Tears threatened to spill from Meg's eyes as he glared down Zalk, his statement daring his best friend to say anything else other than an apology.
That's all he was asking for afterall. A genuine apology, for all the shit he was put through and all the things he did to keep their friendship from falling apart. He wasn't asking for too much, was he? Just an apology, and Meg would immediately forgive him with open arms and an open heart, like he always did.

Zalk's head shot up, sharp eyes glaring Meg into submission. His eyes widened at the next few words to come out of his best friend's mouth, ones that would shock him to his very core and shatter his view completely.
"Because i'm not sorry." Zalk sneered, eyes squinted in distaste and disapproval, that judgemental look imprinting itself into Meg's memory along with his cruel response. The brunet watched as Zalk towards him and, for a second, he had hoped that maybe, just maybe, this whole thing was a joke. Zalk was joking, and he did care for him all this time, he did care for Meg, right? Right?
He felt Zalk brush his shoulder against his own, not even looking at Meg straight in the eyes as he walked by. The cruel male didn't flinch, he wasn't even phased by Meg's current state, continuing past the man who once considered him a friend. Meg, on the hand, was trembling like a newborn fawn. His knees threatened to buckle over as his arms snaked around his shoulders, hugging himself as he cried. Hot, shameful tears ran down his face, scalding his cheeks with the pain of a bruised heart. His cries were messy and ugly, reminiscent of the feeling he felt realizing that everything he worked so hard to keep together, had never been intact in the first place. Knees giving out, Meg fell to the floor on all fours, crying out his broken sobs. He was such a fool, he thought to himself as he curled up into a ball on the cold floor of that dark empty room, to ever let himself love someone who never gave him the time of day.
Techy would soon find him a mess on the floor and help him back home, but the echoes of Zalk's last words haunted Meg for the rest of the night, and the pain that came with it would scar his heart for a long, long time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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