Chapter Ten: Altessa

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Genis stared dully at the bed in which Presea slept. Concern for her and confusion kept him from falling asleep or even leaving the room. Everyone else was walking around the town for fresh air and supplies. After he had wrapped his arms around his knees he buried his face. Questions bounced endlessly around his head. Why did her cruxis crystal react like this? Why isn't she better yet? Why is this happening to her? Why do her wounds reopen with any physical effort? Genis sighed, knowing he wouldn't get any answers until she was better. Faintly, Genis heard the sheets brushing together. He stood up and walked over to Presea's bed. She must have been turning onto her side, he thought.

"Genis," she mumbled, eyes closed. The silver-haired boy's attention was immediately caught.

"Yes?" he replied softly.

"You can't leave me alone...why can't we be together?" Presea murmured. Genis was confused and almost responded before he figured out she must be talking in her sleep.

"I'm not a monster...I love you...don't leave me," she said, louder this time. Presea sounded close to tears, and Genis didn't know whether to wake her up or let it pass.

"G..Genis! Come back! Don't leave me all alone again!" she shouted. Genis himself was extremely scared and knew this must be a terrible nightmare. He grabbed both of her shoulders and shook her harshly.

"Presea! Wake up!" he cried. Her eyes snapped open and she screamed, jolting upright in her bed and looking around frantically.

"Genis? Genis!" she yelled. He grabbed both sides of her face and forced her to look at him. Presea was shaking violently and her blue eyes were cloudy and full of fear. She was breathing heavy as well.

"I'm here, I'm here! Shh, it's okay," he cooed. Tears began to stream down her face, and she placed her hands on top of Genis'.

" was...horrible!" she cried in between sobs. The mage released her face and she dropped her head to her knees, crying. Genis sat beside her with his legs dangling off the bed and wrapped his arms around her.

"Shh...shh...calm down. It was only a dream," he whispered in her ear. Her sobs reduced to hiccups and she lifted her face. Genis wiped away her tears and Presea sniffled, staring directly into his eyes.

"Tell me, what was your dream about?" he asked gently. She took a deep breath before beginning.

"Well...I was in a forest chopping trees like I used to before you guys returned me to my true self. Except this time, I was my true self, and you appeared. I called out your name, but you just stood there, emotionless. You told told me we couldn't be together because I was a monster. A person who had been lost in time, a little girl with abnormal strength. Then...then you left, and I chased you and told you I loved you. However, I..I never found you, and you never came back," she finished, tears returning.

"Shh, don't cry, it was only a dream. It's not your fault you are this way, and if you hadn't been lost in time I would have never met you. Possibly it was fate. I would never leave you, Presea. I'm here right now at this moment, so just relax and let go of that nightmare," he said. Presea's tears gradually stopped flowing and she looked up at him.

"Thank you, Genis," she whispered sincerely. He kissed her gently, and she kissed back just as soft. They both broke it with no blushes or averted eyes, just sincere emotion. Genis moved his hand to her cruxis crystal that sat in between the base of her neck and chest.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, remembering her earlier episodes. She shook her head.

"Not as much as before. I can sit up now, see? Before it hurt very much. I think the medicine is starting to work," she told him.

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