4: He caught me

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Omg! Omg! Omg! Fluffy! You never can guess what had happened today!

Breathe Kels Breathe!

Okay... it was during PE and the teacher asked us to run a few laps. I obviously didn't run though due to my current condition, I just walked. As I was scanning through the field,I saw Jay who was sitting alone on a nearby bench. He was wearing his jersey and a pair of plain worn out blue jeans. He seems upset. I stared at him as long as I could remember. I didn't even notice he had turn his head because the next thing I knew... our eyes locked. I could feel the heat was rising, reddening my naked cheeks. I nervously turned away and fasten my pace to join the others.


Anyway, note number two; checked. I asked my old trusty friend Scott who was also Jay's teammate to slip it in his beg. *Pinky crossed* I hope he sees it.

Okay bye cookies.

Second Note:

"Hey Jay, it's me again. I saw you today, I like it when you wore that jersey. *smiles*

- A"

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