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A dark alleyway was no place for a young woman. Even if every inch of her skin was covered besides her eyes, she'd be snatched up and taken through a dark doorway, never to see daylight again. 

Girls carried pepper spray, pocket knives, and held their keys in between their fingers, but nothing prevailed against the men who lurked in the shadows, drool hanging from their mouths, hungry for a late night snack. Women were forced to cower inside of their homes, living in fear of the outdoors, unaware that they weren't safe even if the door was nailed shut, as the assaulters lived among them, waiting for the right moment to strike.

My little sister, Anne, was one of the unfortunate girls who never came home. One minute, I was dropping her off at school, and the next my mother received a call that Anne hadn't made it to class. We searched for months upon months for my 17-year-old little sister, but she was gone. No proof of death or a broad location.


I vowed that one day, I would find out her story. Someone once failed to find my sister, but I would never fail to find anyone else's. I switched my college major and graduated with honors, thrust straight into a job at one of the top detective firms. 

Four years had passed since the warm spring day that my sister disappeared. I spent them following dry trails, risking my safety, only to be disappointed. However, I was not discouraged.

After a year of monotonous work in the detective agency, I gained the courage to ask my boss to begin what I became a detective to do. Find my sister and dig deeper into the true reason why my city was terrorized by prostitution.

My boss, Dr. Kim was a kind man and an excellent mentor. I had nothing to be scared about, yet I was still shaking so hard that I nearly dropped my portfolio right as Dr. Kim opened his office door.

"Sir," I bowed.

"Ms. Bae, a pleasure," he shook my sweaty hand and grimaced slightly, "Please, come in and sit."

His office smelled like a baby's bedroom, and was covered in a disgusting pea green color. Even the small cushioned chairs were upholstered in the repulsive color, along with being stained. I perched on the very edge of the chair and slid my portfolio to Dr. Kim.

"Sir, I would like to ask permission for lea-"

"Would you like anything to drink?" Dr. Kim cut me off, a soft smile on his face. He still hadn't sat down, rather choosing to lean on some file cabinets.

"As I was saying, I would like to ask permission to lead a new project."

"You have only worked here for a year, are you sure that you're prepared for that role?"

I gulped, "Yes, sir, I'm positive."

"I would feel much more comfortable with your seniors, such as Minho or Leeteuk, working in a leadership position."

I smiled, then decided to launch into my prepared speech to show Dr. Kim that I was ready, "I've lived in this city my entire life, sir. I've seen it turn from a gem of a city into one of the most crime-ridden cities in this entire country. Girls all across our city are terrified to go out at night, and law enforcement only focuses on one case at a time. When I first joined this company, you said that it is our role to destroy the criminals at their root, which is why I would like to lead a team and gather information on the largest prostitution ring to essentially take them out."

There was hardly time to breathe, I knew that Dr. Kim would interrupt me, so I continued, "As you'll see in the portfolio, I've compiled the statistics regarding the costs of this operation, also including the employees that I'll need and the benefits of this project."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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