Chapter 1

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| Y/N POV |


I feel so warm...

My eyelids feel body feels sore..each breath is deep as I struggle to regain consciousness. I'm somewhere between floating back into my dreams and flooding my mind with thoughts. 

"..Hello?" A low, quiet voice reaches a hand out to the cloud I'm riding away on. For a moment, I beg them to leave me, I don't want to leave this world just yet...

"Hello?" A little louder this time, and as the sound rips me from my content..

I gasp as my body shoots forward. My heart is racing and I break into a cold sweat as I close my eyes to stop my head from spinning. Where am I?

I hear a gasp in return and a falter of footsteps, but I'm too dizzy to acknowledge the person I've just startled.

"You're awake! How are you feeling?" An inquisition pokes at my head, and I try to ground myself as best I can to assess my surroundings.

My eyelids flutter open as I remain in a seated position, glancing to my right I notice a pair of deep blue eyes meet mine. A...raccoon?

I clear my throat quietly and he reaches to the bedside stand next to me to grab a glass of ice water.

"Here.." He holds it out to me and I nod as a thank you, bringing it close to my chest. Though my mind considers assuring that I am safe and can trust this man, my parched throat quickly overrides my common sense.

I hand him the now empty glass and look down. " are you? And where am I?" I say with newfound confidence in my vocal cords.

"Oh! My name is Tom Nook. You are in my house right now. You were found passed out on an island yesterday and brought here, yes, yes." He nodded and repeated his question previously with a quizzical look. "How are you feeling, hm?"

"I-I'm okay. A little sore and..discombobulated naturally.." I muttered, fidgeting with my fingers as I nervously sat below the bedspread under his watchful gaze.

His eyes shifted, noting my anxiety and took a small step back to provide some more space, which I was silently grateful for. "What is your name? Do you remember anything?"

I closed my eyes with my hand holding my head, deep in thought. My name...I know my name. But everything else was drawing up a blank. Where did I come from? Who is my family? It was enough to set my heart racing again. I'm all alone with no idea where to go...I have nothing. I sucked in my cheeks and shook my head at him. 

"Y/N. My name is Y/N, b-but that's all I can least right now." Maybe the information will come when my headache subsides..hopefully.

"Hi Y/N." He smiled kindly, providing a sympathetic look. "I understand if you would like to rest, yes, yes. But whenever you are ready, there's a bathroom down the hall if you would like to shower. There are some extra clothes in these dressers-" He gestured towards the furniture, which I now noticed were incredible beautiful and...expensive looking. "I would love to give you a tour of the island, hm? I will also scheduled a doctor's appointment for you to get checked and to be sure that you are physically well. It's a few island's over, so we would need to fly there if you feel comfortable with that, hm? I will be cooking breakfast downstairs, if you need anything just let me know Y/N." He nodded and exited the room, shutting the door lightly behind him. I heard his footsteps echo down the hall as he made his way to the kitchen until it had returned to silence, aside from the occasional banging of pots and pans.

I appreciated his hospitality, being so generous to a complete stranger. A part of me felt guilty, but it was too overwhelming to ponder on top of losing my memories. I got up and tried to find the bathroom with little success in this maze of a mansion, finding an office, second bedroom, and workout room before I reached my destination. He said down the hall..didn't he? 

Looking in the mirror, I suddenly felt...scared. I recognize myself, right? This is me? A familiar pounding in my chest rose as I touched my face. I remember my name, so I must know what I look like. I shook my head. Of course you do, just relax. The clothes though I definitely didn't remember putting on. I believed they hadn't changed my outfit as it still had traces of dirt and mud on the plain long sleeved shirt and dark denim pants. I sighed in relief, but then an unnerving thought came to me. How weird it feels to not remember dressing these specific clothes...or at all. I gripped the counter. I feel like a complete mess of a human right now. 

Keep it simple Y/N...just shower and get dressed. That's all you need to do for now...


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