Luan, Please Calm Down!

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*Lori, Terra, Soren, Leni and Lynn were in Luan's room, hoping that Luan would wake up. Lori asked if she can be alone with her, which they agreed to do. She held Luan's  hand, when suddenly, her fingers twitched. She grabbed Lori's hand and opened her eyes slowly. As Lori felt Luan's hand grab hers, she turned around and saw Luan opening her eyes.*

Luan:*weak* Lori...?!

Lori: Luan! Thank God you're okay! You had me worried sick!

Luan: What happened...?! Where am I...?!

Lori: You're in the hospital, Luan! You had another tumor that nearly expanded to seizures!

Luan:*sad and scared* Oh my God....!

*She plopped her head back onto the pillow and started crying uncontrollably.*

Lori: Luan, my little girl, please calm down! I understand you're scared and heartbroken, but getting upset will only make it worse!

Luan:*angrily crying* I CAN'T, LORI!!!!!!!!! I JUST CAN'T!!!!!!!!!! I LET YOU DOWN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT KIND OF SISTER DOES THAT?!!??!?!?!?!? I DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO BE YOUR SISTER!!!!!!!!!

*She continued crying as Lori hugged her tightly. She shushed her, which made her finally calm down. She then wiped the tears from Luan's eyes.*

Lori: It's okay, Luan! I'm here now! I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you! And I promise I will always keep you safe! I'll always love you, Luan!

*Suddenly, the door opened, revealing two officers and Chief John. Luan then started freaking out again.*

Luan: Get out....! Get out...! Get OUT!!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Officer Jim: Luan, please....! We just want to check on you and.....!

Luan: NO!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Officer Jacob: Luan, please let us....!

Luan: I SAID GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

*She then reached into the officer's pocket, took out handcuffs and put it on her left wrist too tight until she screamed in pain. The handcuffs broke and fell to the floor. Lori rushed over to her. Her wrist was bleeding a lot.*

Lori: Luan, let me see it! Please!

*As she did....*

Luan:*crying* Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

*Lori quickly grabbed the dress that she and Leni fought over and wrapped it around Luan's wrist when Carol ran in.*

Carol: I'm going to take her to the ICU and get an x-ray scan!

*She immediately rolled Luan out on the gurnee and to the ICU. As the others watched, they were horrified.*

Note: Will Luan get surgery on her left wrist?! Find out in the next chapter......!

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