2 - Love is Cruel

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Three weeks after the breakup

Adam and his boyfriend sat in the dingy old love seat in their living room. Johnny was a bear-like man. He had thick brown hair and bright brown eyes. His frame was covered in layer upon layer of muscle. Without his painstaking waxing and grooming routines, he would look like Bigfoot. He made Adam look small.

Adam had told me he use to be a biker and had done some less than legal things. From what Adam has said, he mostly dealt with drugs and left the harder stuff to others. Adam said he'd gotten out and that's how he ended up in our smallish town, but he didn't know the details. Only that Johnny was theoretically no longer in danger. I hoped for Adam this was true.

I had brought in several bags of groceries. Johnny quickly shushed me. I hadn't even spoken. Adam was asleep. I quietly tip-toed to the kitchen and began unpacking the groceries. I would have been lying if I said that I wasn't jealous of the relationship they seemed to share.

Johnny was protective. He was dedicated to making Adam happy as much as possible. His entire goal seemed to be protecting Adam and making his life more enjoyable. I knew right after meeting him he wasn't human, but I couldn't figure out what he actually was. He was odd. Adam loved him immediately after meeting him. He wanted to spend every waking moment of the rest of his life with Johnny. Their relationship was very simple. They were both obsessed with the other to the maximum of a healthy degree. Sometimes I wondered if it boarded on unhealthy.

"What do you want for dinner?" I walked back into the room.

"Adam mentioned that greek place you two like? Could you pick up an order if we called it in?" Johnny had a tender voice. It was soft and smoothly slid between his lips. His voice was much higher than his appearance would lead someone to believe. He was not a man of few words. Just only to those he liked. And as far as I could tell he only liked Adam and was undecided on me.

"Sure," I smile. "Let me put my stuff up." I took my last bag to the small guest room I had been staying in. Not long after I put everything up I heard the loud frantic thundering of Adam running to talk to me.

"Remember to get me extra pita! I'm a slut for carbs!" He was slightly out of breath and had a huge smile on his face.

I stared at him until Johnny came sauntering in. "Did you ask for extra pita?" I asked Johnny.

Johnny was brooding. "Yeah. The two of you eat bread like its going out of style." Johnny was limping slightly. He had an old injury I had only heard about in passing. I wondered if it had to do with his time as a biker. probably.

"Off I go." I felt awkward. I needed to go back to my place. Johnny was well past his limit. He obviously wanted alone time with his love.

The restaurant was small. It was always busy but never seemed to look towards expansion or moving to somewhere larger. The owner's son was the person who handled to-go orders. "I thought you'd found a new place to feed your hummus addiction." He joked.

"Me? Never! I have to get my hummus with a side of eye candy." I rolled my eyes. He was a chubby man with a cherub face. He was one of the kindest people I've ever met.

He laughed and handed me the order. "Extra extra pita. Just like you like it." I smiled and went to leave.

"Alizon!!!" Out of nowhere, a small woman came hurtling through the door and wrapped her arms around me. "It's been way too long!!!" She bounced up and down.

"Hey, Margie." She was a petite woman with a short bob cut who barely came up to my shoulder. We had dated very briefly in high school. She was nice, but I wasn't wanting the same life as she did. She traveled a lot for work. Something to do with organization psychology or something like that.

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