Love Letters (Ushijima Wakatoshi)

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Summary: For the first time ever, Ushijima feels insecure about his relationship with you

Ushijima Wakatoshi wasn't a romantic.

He was straightforward, blunt, and honest about pretty much everything.

So it was quite amazing to everyone that he not only got a girlfriend, but she actually stayed once she realized how unromantic he was.

You really didn't mind it though, you liked how he was, even if that meant he was a bit callous. Did you sometimes wish he could be just a little romantic? Of course. You thought a surprise date every once in a while couldn't hurt— or even if he initiated any kind of physical affection more often than he did (which wasn't often.)

But you felt safe with him, and even though he didn't show it often, you knew he loved you as much as you loved him.

Another thing about Ushijima was that he didn't get jealous. He felt he had no reason to be, he was secure with your relationship and trusted you enough to not go after other guys while you were with him.

But right now, Ushijima was jealous.

For the past few weeks you had been receiving love letters from an anonymous person. He didn't think much of it, until he found them in your desk, and that was when he realized you had actually kept the letters.

He had been waiting in your dorm for you when he opened your desk to grab a pen, when he saw the stack of letters he assumed you were throwing away this whole time.

For once, curiosity got the better of him and he pulled the five letters out. He wanted to know why you were keeping them.

He opened the first one, which read:

Dear (L/N)-san,

I've never written a love letter before, but here goes.

I like you, a lot.

I have liked you for a very long time too and I feel like these feelings have been bottled up for too long now. You're always on my mind. The memory of your smile and laugh always lingers in the back of my head. You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about when I go to sleep.

I know you're with Ushijima-san and I don't intend to get in the way of you two, I just needed you to know how I feel. Sadly, I'm too much of a coward to tell you this in person, but I hope you'll accept these feelings regardless.

Your secret admirer

Ushijima frowned, moving onto the next one.

Dear (L/N)-san,

I know I didn't get a reply back from you which I understand as to why. I told myself I wasn't going to write to you again but I couldn't help it.

I just wanted to let you know, that I think you're stunning in every which way. From your beautiful smile and sparkling eyes to your kind heart and sweet personality, you have always made my days shine brighter. I hope you know just how beautiful you are.

I know I can't be with you, but I am so thankful that I was able to have these feelings for someone so wonderful.

Your secret admirer

He slipped the next two, picking up the last one you got.

Dear (L/N)-san.

Writing these letters to you has built up my confidence to speak with you in person.

So if it isn't too much of a bother, can you meet me up on the rooftop after school this Friday?

I'll be waiting.

Your secret admirer

Ushijima's eyes snapped up to the clock on your desk.

It was Friday and school had gotten out twenty minutes ago.

And now was the first time Ushijima ever felt insecure about his lack of romance.

Writing letters were certainly something Ushijima had never done for you, and now he was starting to wonder if you liked it.

If you liked hearing how beautiful and stunning you were from someone who would say it more often than he did.

He was about to drop the letter to go up to the roof in an attempt to find you and whoever your secret admirer was, when your door swung open.

"Hey Waka-kun— sorry I took so long, you'll never guess what happened-" you stopped, tilting your head to the side as you recognized the letters sprawled out on your bed and the one in his hand. "Oh— you found the love letters." You commented.

Ushijima glanced down at the letter in his hand before saying, "You kept them."

"Oh!" You jumped, "I'm sorry, do you want me to throw them out?"

"...Why'd you keep them?"

You blushed, feeling a little guilty. If you had known that keeping them would bother him, you would've thrown them out.

You shrugged, "I dunno. I thought they were sweet, and it took a lot for him to write. Throwing them out at the time just felt cruel."

"Do you like them?"

"Well yeah— who wouldn't like being called beautiful and hearing how much someone likes you, right?" You laughed awkwardly, "But if it bothers you, I can toss them."

You walked over to him, about to pull the letter from his hand when his hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist, pulling you into him.

You stumbled forward with a yelp onto his lap and he brought you close to him in a tight hug, his chin on top of your head.


"I think you're beautiful too."

"Are you oka—"

"—and stunning."

You paused, suddenly realizing how uneasy the letters must have made him.

"Aw Waka-kun," you muttered, burying your face in his neck, "I know you do."

"If I don't say it, how will you know?"

"I just will. But I won't lie, it feels nice to be reminded," you said, cuddling against him further.

He sighed as his insecurities washed away, his arms wrapping around you tighter.

"Then I'll make sure to remind you."

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