New Sides

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Warning~ This post does contain language in which may not be suitable for younger viewers. Please read at your own risk. Mentions of blood, gore, and violence are included. Homosexuality is implied. Enter at your own risk. Otherwise, enjoy it!

Wet. It was the first thing the white-haired man well-known witcher felt. His black shirt and black leather pants sticking to him, his medallion against his chest of the cool metal. His hair was damp, having dried slightly now as it cascaded down over his harsh features, nothing holding it back off of his face. He shivered slightly, feeling the goosebumps on his arm raise the hairs on him in an attempt for the body to keep its heat. His ass was numb from sitting on it, stuck in the position he was in.

Drip. Drip.

The haunting noise dragged him out of his thoughts as he moved his wrists, they were tried by a rope, a bloody sturdy one too. He opened and closed his hands a couple of times to get the blood flow back into them as he could almost feel how the tips of his rough large hands were purple from lack of circulation. He did somehow, manage to sense the warmth from behind him. The feeling of ragged breathing of someone behind him.

Drip Drip

They were in a cave, the muggy scent stuck all around them. As his fingers moved, other fingers found his own. Jaskier. Golden eyes slowly were revealed to the rest of the world as he lifted his head from hanging down. A fire was seen in the distance, well to him it was a distance, in reality, it was 30 or so feet away from where there were, seven individuals surrounding the fire. Turning his head side to side quietly and without making too much movement so he wouldn't attract unwanted attention, he realized the one who was keeping watch on them, the eighth one, was asleep. The sounds of his slow breathing filled Geralt's ears and he relaxed a tiny bit. Then he remembered.

They were walking as the rain started to fall, 'god damn more rain' Jaskier muttered under his breath. The usually positive bard now tired and mopey that he wouldn't be able to make a song about this trip due to them having to negotiate with this woman apparently. As Geralt held roaches reigns, Jaskier walked alongside him. The bards' lute was placed up on the side of roach so he didn't have to carry it.

They had finally reached where she was to be located but no one could be found. As soon as Geralt turned around with his sword drawn, he saw the witch. Black was all she was wearing, she was dry and had curly hair that ran down her back like a bloodied waterful of a monster. He took a step forwards going to speak before Jaskier piped up, as he would. Geralt let out a groan but didn't stop him, he was better at talking than he was after all.

"Ah! Hello there! You must be the evil witch. We have been looking all over for you. I must say though they didn't mention how beautiful you were with those luscious curves and gorgeous smile because after all the smile and personality is what matters,  my gods you're gorgeous-"

Jaskier had a little to learn. Mainly what part to shut up at. Geralt sighed and interrupted his bard while stepping forwards, wanting to seem intimidating but also wanting to protect his bard if anything were to happen.

"You're to stop creating chaos and help with the restructuring of all you've damaged or to be killed. Make your choice," he spoke firmly and with his sword up, ready in case she were to attack.

What he wasn't ready for was Jaskier yelping and falling to the ground, having been hit with a wooden plank. He whirled his head around to look behind hin at Jaskier as he fell, confused expression as he went to look back at the witch, she had gone and a man with a plane of metal smashed the metal on Geralt's head.

Ah shit. The white-haired man let out a slight sigh before moving his hands against Jaskiers, now having come back into reality.

"Jaskier, Jaskier," he spoke quick and harsh so the bard would hear him if it was urgent and if he was conscious.

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