Spring break

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It was finally spring break and you were so excited to spend it with ur BF mattia.

"What's up babe?" He snorts. "Where did u get that dump truck from?" He questions inching closer to ur giant ass.

"Oh Mattia, you always know what to say" you sniffle. You're about to say more but Mattia grabs ur arm and throws u 500 feet in front of him. Luckily your giant butt protects you from the implications being struck by a concrete wall might have.

"Woah Mattia you know I said I'm not ready to do anything yet....." you enthuse.

"I know" he says. "We're going to the beach so get ready!"

You put on your swimsuit. It's a full body suit made of penne pasta. That's it. That's all I gotta say.

Mattia takes your hand and together you start to make your way to the beach right outside your hotel. It's beautiful.

You go into the water with Mattia and feel the ocean against you, nothing else matters. Suddenly two feet are on top of your head and u can't breathe. "MATTIA!!!" You clug.

"Haha what babe I'm just having fun" he shrieks from on top of your head. But now you're deaf because the water pressure burst your ear drums.

"LETS GET TO F**KIN!!" He announces with the microphone he suddenly has, getting the attention of thousands of onlookers.

"Yay" you say , because now you suddenly have the ability to breath under water.

Mattia dives beneath the waves to join u and rips his meat colored shorts off.

"Here we go I guess" he yells. But you realize you feel nothing because Mattia lost his dick in the war. But that's another story.

HOPE UOU ENJOYED❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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