Part 3

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A month later, I still wasn't over Jean's death. I saw his body in my dreams every night. I would wake up extremely tired, and I could barely get through training each day.
I had even begun to hallucinate. I heard Jean's voice whispering to me, and sometimes, I thought that I could see him next to me. He faded away quickly, but he had been there.
One night, I couldn't sleep. It had become the usual for me since Jean had died. As I laid there, trying my hardest to relax and fall asleep, I saw him.
He was standing right by my bed. As soon as I saw him, I knew this wasn't a hallucination. He was right there, smiling at me from where he stood.
"J-Jean? Is that you?" I managed to stammer.
"Yeah Marco, who else would it be?" He replied in a sarcastic tone.
I reached out to touch his hand, but it wasn't solid. My hand went right through his.
"Oh yeah, you won't be able to touch me. Not yet, anyway. I still don't really know how this whole ghost thing works" He said, kind of sadly.
"I-it's okay," I stuttered, still not believing what I was seeing,"wait, so I'll eventually be able to touch you?"
"Like I said, I don't really know how this whole thing works yet. Maybe?" He replied.
I stared at him in disbelief for a few minutes. It HAS to be a hallucination. There's no way this is happening. Either that or I'm dreaming.
"Wait. That means heard my, umm, confession?" I asked nervously.
"Yep." He replied simply.
"So, you, you know..." I was blushing furiously now.
"I'm sorry Marco," he interrupted me from my awkward thoughts,"I have to leave now."
"What?! Why do you have to go?" I was in shock. I had just found Jean again, and now he has to leave?
"I'll tell you next ti..." He didn't have time to finish his sentence before he faded out of view.
I began to cry. This was too much to take. I had accepted that he was gone, but he was here, right beside me, less then five minutes ago.
Jean, this is too much to take. I just keep losing you over and over again.

I guess I cried myself to sleep, because
I woke up the next morning with a tear stained face. I convinced myself that Jean had been a dream, or a hallucination caused by me missing him so much.
I was convinced of that until I found the note at the end of my bed. I stared at it with wide eyes.
I'll see you again tonight.

A/N:So here's part three. How often do you want me to update? I actually have a lot of time, and I get bored easily(^o^)

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