Before Class

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Hayes wad blushing too but I had no idea why. Then there was an awkward like 3 seconds but felt like an hour, then he said hi! I literally almost started crying, we were in the back of the room so the teacher couldn't hear us so we were fine to have a conversation. I couldn't find words, but I eventually said hi back. "Hey I herd we have all of our classes together!" he said. I slowly said, " Yes we do, " Then he offered " want to sit with me next class?" Of course I said yes! Before next class I ask Hayes if I could take a picture with him because you know he is like famous, and he said yes. He had one of his friends take the picture and the picture was of us touching foreheads and looking into each others eyes. His friend took the picture and before I could say thank you he kissed me straight on the lips! It was amazing it lasted what felt like a life time. I was blushing I am pretty sure my face was bright red. Then Hayes whispers in my ear " Will you be my one and only? " Then I completely lost it and collapsed to the floor in a pile of tears, he picks me back up and I sneak an always out of my balling face....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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