Prologue Part 1

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Doctor's PoV

"Phew," I sighed in relief as I plopped myself down on my usual seat. Today, another baby was born and again, I had to rely on Elli for help.

I brought my hands together to a fist, resting my chin on it.

'I'm really hopeless when it comes to birth-giving... I wonder if I'm actually suited for this job... as the doctor of this town...'

I stood up from my seat and head for the door of the clinic.

As I do, I heard my assistant, Elli, call out to me, "are you going somewhere Doctor?"

Turning to face Elli who was behind the clinic counter as always, I smiled awkwardly and say, "just a short walk through town to clear my head.."

Elli replied instantly, "Please don't be out too late Doctor, it's rather cold tonight..."

I waved a hand to her in acknowledgement as I exit the clinic.

Walking through the town's night streets, I decided to detour around the beach.

'Elli...' I thought, commenting on her inwardly, 'she's a good person. But at times, she's quite nagy and such a worrywart... like a mother...'

I breathed in the early spring air. It was still cold.

'It can't be helped, I suppose, since she has a little brother... though I'm not...'

As I arrived in Rose Square, I notice a muscular large body that could only belong to Zack, running desperately at a distance from the beach, face rather pale.

He seemed to notice me and ran towards me, yelling, "Doctor! Doctor! Nice timing! Come with me! Now !"

Feeling urged, I immediately chased after Zack who made a quick 180 degrees turn back towards the beach.

What I saw by the shore was the most unexpected.

There lay a blonde-haired girl, wet and lifeless.

At that instance, I knew what Zack was thinking.

I quickened my strides and positioned myself beside the girl; my jaw tense.

Placing my ear close to her face, I tilted her head up slightly, checking for breathing.

I could feel the muscles of my body relax; finding out that she was still alive.

Looking up at Zack who was standing breathlessly beside me, I said to him, "No worries, she's alive."

With those few words, Zack's visibly tense muscles contracted in relief and I continued, "But, her breathing is shallow and slow. She needs immediate aid. Zack, inform the Mayor of this incident. I'll bring her back to the clinic."

Zack was about to comment an opposition but thought twice of it.

I smiled at him and said, "Don't worry. My body may not be as muscular as yours but, I won't lose to you in an arm wrestle."

At that, I made a move to haul the girl on my back.

As I adjust the girl's weight on my body, I saw Zack turn and hurry back to town. Seeing this, I quickly made my way back towards the clinic.

Upon reaching the clinic, I ordered Elli to make emergency preparations to aid the girl.

Elli was now behind the clinic counter as per usual, filling up administration forms for the girl's treatment.

Behind the closed curtains of the clinic ward, I made a final examination of the girl's condition, knowing very well that she is now completely stabilized.

Beautiful blonde hair, long eyelashes, a small button nose and a petite face... topped off with a gentle and fragile aura...

She looks like she would be around seventeen years old... It's no wonder Zack would be in a panic...

A voice from the other side of the curtain broke my train of thoughts, "Doctor, the Mayor and Zack has arrived..."

I replied Elli anxiously, "R-right, I'll be out in a second."

Running a hand through my hair, I looked at the girl one last time before opening the curtains and leaving the ward.

'That was bad... She looks so young and what am I thinking?'

As I exit the ward, I saw Zack and the Mayor by the clinic counter with Elli.

Zack approached me as soon as he saw me and asked, with the Mayor following behind him, a worried expression plastered on his face, "Doctor, how is she?"

"No worries, her condition have stabilized and she's sleeping soundly in the ward," I smiled at them as I saw how the tense muscles on their faces relaxes, "would you like to see her?"

They both nodded their head in agreement and followed me back to the ward where the girl was.

In the ward, we discussed and filled the Mayor with information as of how we found the girl by the sea shore and soon, the topic as of where we were to keep her in town, came up.

"True, we can't keep her in the clinic forever..." Zack agreed, "but there must be a place in this town where she can stay," he continued, urging the Mayor.

The Mayor rubbed his chin in a thinking manner and spoke up, "I know of a place where she can stay... do you remember that farm that is now deserted?"

Zack and I nodded in response and the Mayor continued, "we can move her to the small house by the farm and maybe, if she decided to stay here, we can leave the farm to her hands... who knows what might happen..."

All three of us looked at each other in consideration and finally agreed on moving the girl to the small house by the farm.

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature [FanFiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora