Chapter 4

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Junior Year.

Silvia's POV

The ringtone on Silvia's new cell couldn't be anymore annoying. But that's what alarms are suppose to do, annoy the crap out of you so you can get up. She reached over and silenced the alarm before grabbing her phone and heading to the bathroom. She pressed play on her music and ran her shower. Listening to music always brightened her dull and quiet mornings. Silvia can't stand the silence much and tries everything to avoid it. As she gets under the water, she can't help but think about what her first day back might be like. If she was to see Nathaniel, what might she say. She always saw Nathaniel. Not that he cared anyway. Who am I kidding, she thought to herself as her low self esteemed attitude surfaces.

He doesn't even notice me anymore. I appreciate his appearance though because God has made a beautiful man.

She sits there on the crowded train, earphones in and blocking out the world with her Kendrick Lemar album blasting in her ears. She pulls out her kindle that she bought from the money she saved up and reads away as she avoids reality for this long ride to school. The reading makes this long train ride bearable. Good thing Silvia is use to waking up early and getting out in a timely fashion where she can avoid crowds as much as possible. Too many people would sometimes trigger a panic attack if she allowed it. On her way out the strain station, Silvia stops by a small bodega and grabs a coffee before heading to the school building.

The building is huge but the more you walk around in the old dump, the more you get use to the halls, the smaller it actually seems. Silvia use to be intimidated by the size but now she just wishes it were bigger so she could avoid certain somebody's. Silvia likes to be extra early so she could get to the study hall while it's quiet before the freshmen come in, rowdy as ever trying to avoid whatever class they just don't want to go to. Silvia sits her coffee down and pulls out her notes from her summers reading. Medical notes from the huge text books she rented from a nearby college library for her future medical practices. She wants to stay on top of her game because one day, once she is out of this place, Silvia wants to go to med school and become a doctor. She loves the idea of helping others. Being that someone she has never had in her life.

Silvia gets lost in her papers as she is startled by a big thud to the floor followed by the muffled sounds of laughter from behind her. She turns around and suddenly wishes she hadn't as she sees Nathaniel kissing and fondling with a girl. They appear to be almost ripping one another's clothes off. How barbaric, she thinks to herself and turns around fast. She closes her books and the sound makes Nathaniel and his company stop in their tracks, embarrassed by their acts the girl laughs and covers her mouth. Nathaniel is not sure but he has a feeling he knows who is sitting at the only study that is occupied at this time. Usually for him no one would be here but here She is.

"I thought you said no one was here unless you didn't know yourself Claire." Nathaniel pulls the girl closer to her and grabs her in a playful matter. She smiles at the boy that stands before her and pushes her body into his larger one.

"Can I pretend and say that I didn't know no one was down here? Just joking. I really didn't think anyone would be down here. Honest. And besides it's our first day back. Who the hell studies on their first day back? And on the plus side I like an audience ". Claire says and giggles as she grips on Nathaniels jacket leading him away from the study. Nathaniel on the other hand seems hesitant but manages to move his feet and forget about the weird familiarity of that girl sitting alone in a study this early on their first day back from break.

Silvia is already out the study hall and around the corner before she catches her breath. She hates bumping into Nathaniel sometimes. He's always with someone and they're always females for the most part. The woman at their school made it their duty to smash every guy they felt was attractive enough for their suit of taste. She didn't understand the childish antic and wished she wouldn't bump into them every now and so. They would always glare at Silvia. Like she has done something to them, something wrong and they needed her to know that with a glare of despise. Like she was fire and they were ice and she needed to stay away. Or maybe they feared her for the chances that they would melt if they were too close.

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