A night in Vietnam

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They finished their job. The reason why they were both here together completed. A beautiful night to showcase the relationship between South Korea and Vietnam, a bond forged over a passion for music. Irene walked up to the stairs of the hotel, annoyed by the fact that the elevator was out of commission. She swore light under her breath, wanting to take of the heels that were causing a strong ache with ever step she took. She nodded to her manager, catching from the corner of her eye Jackson returning with his manager.

Their groups had respectively flown back to Korea but her and Jackson's flight had been extended for a day so that the staff could thank them for their hard work whilst presenting.

She opened the door to cold room, her eye brows creasing slightly as she walked up the AC slamming the buttons furiously before giving up. It felt like Antarctica and this was the last thing she needed right now. She grabbed some clothes from her suitcase. A black Adidas sweatshirt and a matching pair of leggings now adorning her figure as she ditched the white dress that had graced her form all evening. She folded the material neatly placing it back in the cover she had been given before jumping and collapsing into the white fluffy pillows around her head. She shuddered slightly trying to gain some warmth, the crisp coolness keeping her tired eyes from closing. She sat up slightly a knock to her door resounding.

She got up opening it to reveal Jackson, a dazzling smile on his face as he looked at her, the two matching in sweatshirts. She watched as he rubbed the back of his neck uttering a small greeting to her. "I was wondering if you wanted to come out, that's if you aren't tired. I'm sorry of course you are. Sorry for disturbing you." "Wait." She called out softly his eyes picking up to hers as she offered him a bright smile to ease his uneasiness. "I'd love that." She spoke turning around to grab a hat and a small bag for her phone and cards.

She saw the smile he passed her, her heart skipping a beat slightly as he extended a hand to her, her own leading into his touch before she could even register in her mind what she was doing. But regardless, she trusted him. He smirked at her slightly before taking off, his hand pulling her along the hallway, his feet picking up the pace as the two ran hand in hand, laughter coursing through the air as they did. They ran out the hotel, past their managers before the breeze of the night hit them. Irene closed her eyes momentarily, inhaling the air as she turned to him. "So where too?" He looked at her as she wrapped an arm onto the one that held her hand snuggling to him for warmth. "Depends on what your up for." He spoke looking at her with a smile. She looked up at him. "Anything." She responded. "Wow you trust me that much?" He spoke tenderly, laughing slightly as she looked up at him. "More than you know." Was her response ditching his hand before running again, his own feet following her as they entered the car park, Jackson sitting down on a motorcycle. She eyed him wearily as he handed her a helmet, helping her strap it to her head before sitting down and nodding for her to climb onto the back. He turned slightly. "Hold onto me Rene." He said winking slightly as he started it up, Irene taken off guard as she held him hesitantly. He kicked off the ground, zooming off at high speed, feeling her small petite hands wrap around him, clinging for dear life. He laughed over the air, telling her to look, laughing more when she shook her head no. He prodded her gently, slowing down slightly for her enjoyment watching from the mirror as she smiled, their destination for the night finally reached.

He handed his keys over to a man who hugged him, Irene's features displaying a small smile as she took the helmet off. Jackson walked back to her, helping her smooth her hair down, his hands resting on either side as she looked up at him caught of guard again. He took her hand in his own, the instant warmth providing her comfort as she let him drag her to an exhibition.

He talked about the art on display, he talked about music, he talked about his passions and through it all Irene listened, asking questions now and then, and genuinely becoming more and more intrigued about the man behind his title, the title of Jackson Wang.

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