Midget is now Human

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Day 0 –part 2

It was lunch time. The dekusquad somehow multiplied and most of Midoriya's classmates joined him to eat. Those who did not join still displayed caution and sat near the group -like the case of Todoroki who hated crowds. They flooded him yet Izuku tried to ignore them the best of his capabilities.

The broccoli was eating blissfully his favorite, katsudon. A bright aura surrounded him and he relaxed in joy. However, he was starting to get annoyed by the no stopping piercing stares of his friends. When he glared at their origin (some unfortunate classmates who coincidently met his look), their gaze would quickly drift back to their meal or they would innocently smile at him. It was annoying, yes. But one could not overlook how hilarious most of them were –how they would sweat and pale under his cold gaze.

This time, he scowled at Mineta who flinched in fear and stuttered. "I-I-I… am retreating." His voice gained a high pitched note as the words stormed out of his mouth. Then, he fled away quickly.

-You traitor… They mentally barked.

Well, not that they counted on him. Mineta was practically air to them –just a waste of space. Nevertheless, it was still irritating to see.

'Clink' They turned their attention to the sound of chopsticks hitting harshly the table. "What the hell is wrong with you? Can I not eat in peace?" Deku snapped at them. A vein or two popped up and he gritted his teeth in anger.


"Oh please… Don't 'Midoriya' me again." He did not care that they made a scene in front of the whole cafeteria. If it was him days ago, he would have stuttered in embarrassment.


"You're a nuisance. Stop bullshitting and man up!"

"W-we are just trying to help you." Momo raised her head and voiced her complaint a few heads nodded in agreement.

"You can't even look me properly in the eyes and you're trying to 'help' me? Stop acting like I'm sick or something." His gaze studied all of their faces. After an awkward minute of deafening silence, he sighed and stood up.

"De-Deku-kun, where are you-"

"Toilet," he mumbled. "And don't follow me! It's bothersome as it is. I don't need more trouble." He fumed as he saw a group of his classmates taking the initiative to tail him. "It's not like imma kill someone or anything."
"Bunch of worrywart!" he strolled the corridors, hands in pockets. Despite his words, he smiled warmly. Not that he hated them… They were all his dear friends and he would not trade them for anything in the world.

"W-what are you-? Hey—Stay away, you pervert!"

Midoriya glanced around to see who was talking: a female student was getting harassed by Mineta Minoru.

"You scumbag…" he growled darkly. "And here I thought you were changing. What a shame~" He sighed in disappointment. Mineta looked at him in horror.

"Will you play with me for a bit~"
"He's taking too long," Denki worriedly tapped his finger on the table.

"We should search for him."

"No need, Jirou-san." A familiar voice interjected.


"It's me," he smiled politely. "I am sorry for what I have done to you before."

"This is creeping me out!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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