Chapter 5: The Full Moon - Part 1

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After some time, Echo was still trying to find homes for the ivy plants the Sunday after she moved in. She has given homes to 4 of her 5 plants, ranging from the window in the kitchen to her room. There was about a plant per room, other than Ted's room, as she didn't feel he could keep alive one of her plants. She was in the laundry room, trying to see if she could put one in there, but there was one problem. The window was getting good enough light, sure, but it was also a smaller one that was near the ceiling. That was at least 5 feet off of the ground. "Well shit." She mutters to herself, trying to think of a way she could have it in the window and still be able to water it.

Ted, only waking up moments before, saunters down the stairs and over to Echo. "Looks like I came down at just the right time. Shall I help you with that, fair maiden?" He chimes, leaning on the door frame.

Echo shoots daggers at the smug human. "Only because I can't reach." She says with a huff, holding her ivy out for Ted to take from her. "Please be careful with it."

Ted rolls his eyes as he takes the plant and puts it into the window. "Clearly. Is it good here?" He asks, turning to Echo. The rabbit in question gazed at her ivy, trying to decide if it was good, it wasn't, mind you.

"You should rotate it slightly to the left." She finally decides, tilting her head to one side in thought.

Ted rotates the plant as per Echo's request, then turns to Echo with a cheeky smile. "You know, I'm no good at keeping plants alive, I just don't have a green thumb." His voice matching how cheeky his smile is, waving his two thumbs in the air; hoping Echo appreciated his puns like her father.

"Not many people do, my father included." She states, pausing for a moment. "Thanks for helping out the other day with my things, I thought you would've just plopped on the couch after letting us in!" She smirks at Ted, humor in her eyes.

Ted's face starts to heat up from being called out. "I... I did a bit of research. Heh heh heh, I didn't want to offend an orc." He dryly let's slip, his eyes glazing over from fear of the past. "No one wants to offend an orc..."

Echo's snickering breaks Ted's mini trance, a big smile on her face. "So, you were kissing up to my dad because you were SCARED of him?" She snorts out, enjoying teasing Ted. "I mean, I know orcs can be scary to most, but I didn't think YOU'D be scared of him!"

It was Ted's turn to shoot daggers at Echo. "I don't think..." He trails off with a sigh. "You do know that orcs are scary. Not that look scary, right? Have you seen a mad orc before? You know, other than your dad?"

Echo stops her chuckling and feels the rage starting in her chest. "Of course I have! He works with 2 others!" She half shouts, her ears dropping and going straight back behind her head, returning Ted's gaze with one of her own.

The hairs on the back of Ted's neck start to stand on end, then a burning sensation starts to form in his chest as a low growl escapes his throat. "You... Met... some of his friends? His... friends." He says through gritted teeth.

"Yes. His friends." Echo, wanting an escape as she could feel the air in the room thicken, decides to lave for her room. She drops her voice before speaking again. "I'll be in my room." She leaves with a huff, scurrying to her room.

Ted stays in the laundry room for a bit, trying to calm down. He takes a few deep breaths before going to the living room and sitting on the couch, muttering to himself as he turns on the T.V. "I understand now what you meant when you said you wanted someone to watch over her, Gully." He shakes his head, letting out a loud sigh. "I'm sure it's just new place nerves."

Echo's holding her ears as she rests her hands behind her head, pacing her room to try and calm down. "My fucking god. Oohh I think Ted is going to kill me. I mean, his fucking face. Hoooo. I need to calm down." She rambles to herself. After a bit more rambling, she pauses. 'Well,' she thought to herself, 'he did say before it was okay that I smoked...' With that, she pulled out the small wooden box that had her smoking utensils in it out from under her bed. Now, being in Canada, she knew it was at least legal to smoke cannabis, so she filled up her bong and started busting up some weed to help her calm down.

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