Chapter One (Again)

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Hey readers! Feel free to read this, or feel free not to. I'm expecting a lot of hate as a response to this, but it's okay! I understand why a lot of you may be upset, however, this is what I feel is right. I've decided to make important choices for my life, and I believe I should let you all know why I'm removing this story from Wattpad. Feel free to skip this message.

I've been going to church all my life, and it wasn't until November 18 that I finally decided that I would take the God seriously. I used to call myself a Christian and turn around and do things I wasn't supposed to do. I wrote dirty fanfic, I lied, I didn't care about what I was doing or how I was presenting myself. I didn't care about God, or worshiping— I even dreaded going to church. The only reason I went was because of my family.

There were many points in my life where I denied my beliefs and the fact that I went to church to fit in with the world. I was a liar and a sinner and I had not cared about finding God and worshiping Him.

During this time, I was lost. I didn't know what to live for, so I found myself turning to obsess over fictional characters and living in a fake world in my head. I was idolizing Jotaro over my Creator (literally) and this led to many stages of depression and grief. I was putting my source of happiness on these fictional characters and worlds, and I felt empty. I'm sure some of you feel the same way. I found myself thinking about how I would be able to find happiness in this world and how there was no point in me existing if I was going to be miserable all the time.

My world was constantly centered on worldly things and my looks and all of these temporary things that I KNEW didn't matter. I was focused on pleasing MYSELF and other PEOPLE over GOD.

However, on November 18, something clicked.

November 18 was the day Someone from my church died. I attend a small church, and so everyone is practically friends with everyone else. I knew this woman, and it was strange knowing I would never see her again. And then it was like something hit me in the back of the head and said "wake up." I realized I don't have time to waste anymore. Any day, any second I could die or Jesus could come back- and it would be too late.

I immediately repented and guys, I had never felt immediate peace like this before. I felt free and alive, and I know a lot of you don't follow God- but the way I felt after I asked for the forgiveness of my sins was like weights had been pulled off my chest. Nothing but God had made me feel like that before. I decided to follow him, and I knew that keeping this fanfic on Wattpad wouldn't be the way to stay strong.

I have been praying and reading the Bible and studying His word, and I'm getting closer to God and stronger in Spirit every day. I've been obeying what He commanded and I've even been teaching my siblings about the Bible. My life has gotten better.

To the people who read through this message, I'm here to tell you that God is real. I'm sure a lot of you don't believe in Him, but it's true. If you allow God to help you, if you ask Him and pray to Him for help, He won't ignore you. He will show you he's there if you are patient. Believe in Him, get baptized, and your world- your LIFE will change.

If you do believe, but you are weak in faith, go to the Bible. I hadn't read the Bible like I should've until the 18th, until I was nearly 19 years into attending this church. It will inspire you and bring the spark back. God is listening, and God knows it's hard- I promise. These are the end times, and it's these times that are the hardest. Read the life of Christ- Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John- read Revelations to learn of the seven trumpets and the mark of the beast. This is the Truth, and this is a sign to turn to God. I WROTE SMUT, guys. I was on the DEEP END- But I found God and my life had never been better. THAT is why I deleted this story— I chose God and I knew writing stuff like this and idolizing this wasn't something I should be doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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