Chapter 1: The Library

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I normally didn't go to the library often when I was a kid. I always thought you had to be smart to enter the library. I found that if you picked up a child book for silly reading, you would automatically become the dumb child. I mean, I was dumb to think that because after a while I fell in love with reading. See, I didn't have much to do in my spare time nowadays. I gave up a lot of things for school... honestly, I feel as if I threw away a massive opportunity. So, here I am, in my school library reading books through and through, (I'm a slow reader so it would take about 3 days to finish a book) enjoying the airy quiet in the library; you could even hear the blood rushing through your ears.

This was just like a normal day in the library. Reading books and replying to friends messages that I forget to answer (because I'm dumb). A boy, slightly shorter than me, obviously a year 9, sat at my table. I frankly look up at the child that approached my existence. I realised it was Anthony's brother, Alister. The strangest thing was the fact he was carrying multiple devices. An Xbox controller with no console insight. Wait... why would he bring a console to school, idiot, I scolded myself. An iPad, and a laptop that looked like the latest model. I swear Anthony's family is loaded. I lean back in my chair. Looks like Anthony is obviously stuck nose-deep in his iPad. He's probably writing for that story again. I mean I've been reading his story. It's kinda smutty but otherwise very cool (and gay, can't forget gay).

For heaven's sake! All I wanted was a normal day, but that didn't happen as a tan giant approached my table. Honestly, he was scary tall, but like normal tall? Maybe that's because I'm short and they're average height. Idk. I look away because if you stare, people will think your weird. I try to focus back on my book when a deep voice interrupted my brain causing it to explode.

"Dude, why do you have so many devices?" The voice said. I look up to see the tall, weirdly musclely but not to musclely guy look spectrally at Alister. This is not the first this has happened but Alister was rather rude about it.

"Cause I can multitask," he said in a robotic sort of drone. You see, this was Alister's answer to anyone who asked the same question. I've asked him like a billion times and that's the only answer I get. Honestly, I'm grateful he speaks because his face was full of concentration from chopping a tree in Minecraft.

"Why are you using a controller instead of using your iPad?" The boy asked again. Pure annoyance sprouted from Alister's face due to him somehow dying from chopping down a tree.

"Cause I can," Alister said dismissively before respawning, resuming his tree genocide.

"You're weird Alister..." I said, feeling myself shrink as the giant stared at me for a second, enough for me to sweat a river. You see tall strong people are normally bullies, so I stay away as far as I can because I don't want to die thank you. "M-maybe you should read a book or something," I weakly suggested, trying to hide my obvious paranoia.

"Whatever, Danielle," Alister grumbled loudly. Forgetting the tall giant standing there awkwardly, I continued to read with anger fuming out of my ears. I HATE that nickname... Without hearing what the tall boy said through my fuming red face. he left quietly and quickly. Honestly, it's the same with everyone.

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I finally noticed the boy had left and told Alister how rude he was and when I asked him why he was so rude; all he said was "cause I can." I swear Anthony's brother is like a broken record of stress and contemplating rudeness. I stand up and try to find Anthony, and when I notice him not in his usual spot, instead I see him walking back from the corner of the library with a very suspicious smirk on his face.

"What did you do?" I ask, not really listening as I looked over his shoulder. He seemed surprised to see me; like I was a ghost or something. "Don't tell me you just wrote a smut scene in your story because I swear I am not ready," I said.

"Nope, not yet, I was just helping Charles because he was lost," Anthony replied.

"Why are you smiling so much then huh?"

"What? I'm not smiling," Anthony erupted, massaging his face while holding his iPad in between his elbow.

"...wait, who's Charles?" Anthony's face suddenly went into a daydream.

"Oh you know, dark-brown hair, sea-blue eyes, muscles..." He said dreamily.

"You mean freakily tall tan dude?" I bluntly summarised.

"Yea!" He said snapping out of the dreaming.

"You seem to fantasize about him..." I said, a teasing smile on my face.

"Nuh-uh..." he said smiling, quickly looking away.

As the bell rung, I get up and see something catch my eye. I grab hold of Anthony which seemed to make him jump, not being able to look away from the scene. Anthony seemed to follow my eyes which landed on a couple full-on making out on the ground. Not only a couple; it was the tall tan boy and another boy with spiky red hair. As Anthony went to approach them, I manage to regain feeling in my legs and rush out the door unable to get the scene out of my mind. Bruh, I swear, everyone is gay at this school, I thought as I giggled.

Not realising why my phone was turned on. I see that in my paralysed state, I somehow took a picture of them making out.

"HOLY FUC-" I shouted, stopping myself too late, I grabbed my bag turned off my phone and ran out of the library with faces all facing me wondering why I yelled. Face glowing red, I sit down in my secret place which I'm not going to say because it's secret.

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I take my phone out again and open Instagram.

"I need to tell my friends..." I opened our chat and quickly. Without looking, I sent the photo into the chat, getting instant replies from my BFF. She freaked out saying that you will never get something like this again/


holy fuck dude how did you get that?? XD


calm down daneil

omg spell my name right hayley i beg you XD

oops XD

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ty for reading the first chapter of my story, just a reminder this story is fictional and none of it is real.

(except for the gayness of my school I swear)

thank you Bloonchipper for letting me start my story with a bang by letting me sneakily add their characters to my story. go check out their story

Thank Youuuuuuuuuu :D

p.s: please vote and comment, also message me if anything is wrong.

BYE until next chapter :D

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