Chapter 2: The Leak

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Holy shit... holy shit this is baaaad! I swear to myself. Swiping through my phone, a copy of the photo I took was all over social media. Oh Daniel, you really have fucked up now. I hastily spam my bff on Instagram.

Ik u didnt do it but who did!?

Idk the only people I've shown are *list of names*

My eyes are caught on a name...Tegan. Of course, it was her, who else would it be!  I now felt like the earth in erupting or aliens were invading. It's a shit day today, okay! Anthony! My head rang He's smart, he will know what to do... 

Opening Snapchat, I text Anthony, who replied instantly.

Your fault for being an idiot, idiot.

Wow such nice advice.

This is getting me nowhere. I might as well hide in my room until the police break down my door for breaching the laws of privacy. I'm going to be the laughing stock of the entire school. No one's gonna forget it and I'm only a stupid year ten.

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Heading out the door, guilt weighing me down, I bike to school. Might as well jump into the river and drown... I thought while biking past over the bridge. It would be REAL easy... 

I continue to bike over the river bank and down the long road that leads towards school. Or maybe, I'll get lucky and get hit by a car. Sounds nice... Everything was fine for a good second, then, if my day couldn't get any FUCKING WORSE, I notice Charles strolling down the footpath.

 Almost crashing into nothing my bike swerved to the left taking me down a different road. Might as well be late rather than getting bet up.

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Lunch is where things started to go haywire. Though I'm not proud of my community, this next part sure as hell surprised me. 

I looked up at the wrong time, I mean, of course, I did. I see the asshole Jack Quinn, year 10, a total jackass. I've been around him for 3 years and I already know what was coming. But surprisingly, it wasn't directed at me. It was at Charles.

The only word I heard was "fag" which caused the whole cafeteria to turn into a frenzy. People everywhere shouting at Jack. One, who even said the f word like a billion times basically spat in his face. Looks like news spreads fast...

It was crystal-clear to me that Charles hadn't seen all the posts. Of course, I had nothing against Charles and his boyfriend. I mean I hope they are together, the way they made out in the library said a lot about the two. For some reason, everyone seemed to know except them. 

I picked up my lunch, put it back in my bag, and walked away from the crowds. Just put some music on, don't cry, don't be a baby... Plugging my ear-phones into my skull, I played the most depressing songs I could find (helps me to stop crying for some reason).

Mostly everyone 'knows' at school that I'm bi. Well, I'm not. I'm actually gay, but I say I'm bi to make me seem half likeable to people who are homophobic and all that shit. I would rather be liked by telling lies than hated for the truth.

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Walking to my last class, focusing more on my music than on my surroundings. I somehow tripped over my own foot. I don't know why but I can never walk in a straight line. A tall muscley guy slightly bent down to help me up. Already tense and red with embarrassment, I look up to say thanks, but my mouth was at a loss for words when I noticed who it was. It was the spiky redhead dude from the photo.




Feeling like scum for not saying thanks, I slipped out of there like a snake in tall grass, weaving through the crowds, out of sight of scary redhead dude.

I need to have a little chat with Tegan...


Ty for reading, don't forget to vote and comment. Sorry if there's any bad English or spelling, I normally suck at writing.

Onto the next Chapter because who cares about sleep :D I'm not tired.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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