Wet Days - Booming Business

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Wet days were always ones that I despised, the coffee shop would fill with loud and bubbly people wanting a warm drink to heat them up. I've always feared mass amounts of people and crowds so these times were always the worst. Puddles of rain water would be left at our door and people would peel their soaking coats off, come to the counter and order a drink, they would then proceed to plop themselves into one of the leather couches dotted around the average sized room. I would then be left to make their drink of choice and of course, something would go wrong - as it always would.

Today had seemed awfully quiet considering the buckets of rain water coming down, this was one of the few times I have been thankful for being inside. Approximately twelve people had come into the shop today, three of which were sitting around the room currently, this allowed me the time to check my social media for any new drama or tea between friends, co-workers or family. Or so it had, that was until I heard the ring of the bell at the door and the heavy wind from outside fill the room. It took me a minute to look up from my phone, only to see a man - perhaps around the age of 21, short, with wet red hair and a gorgeously freckled face. Maybe I had looked at him too long because time seemed to jump and the next thing I know, he's standing infront of me with a look of pure delight painted across his face. When he looked down from the menu boards and made eye contact with me, my eyes seemed to get stuck to his - an icy blue, kind of like the sea in the winter - I didn't want to look away, but that was not a confrontation I wished to deal with.

"Hi! Can I get a regular Espresso and a slice of strawberry cake?" He spoke in a thick English accent, seemingly from the North - he spoke nothing like the people here in Plymoth but then again, neither did I.

"Of course, anything else?" My voice was low and quiet, perhaps quieter than usual. Whether it was due to the dreary weather or the pure beauty of the man in front of me - I didn't know.

"Nope! That's all, thank you!" His voice seemed too happy and cheery - the polar opposite of the storm inside of me.

"Mm, that'll be £5.20 please.." No matter how hard I tried to avert my eyes from his, my instinct was to keep looking, I could get lost in them for days. Who am I kidding? Every guy I've ever been remotely attracted to has been straight, gay guys just don't exist here.

I moved to the counter top behind me and began preparing the Espresso Mr. Hotty ordered, he still stood at the counter - almost watching me. He seemed fascinated by the way I worked the machine. His face still painted a look of pure joy and it amazed me how someone could be so happy all the time. A load roar came from outside - thunder struck. He turned away and as he did, my lack of concentration caused me to create yet another mistake. I jerked away from the Espresso Machine and immediately went to run my hand under cold water - I was always so clumsy but when someone so attractive walks in, I can't help but put all of my attention towards them. When he turned back around he noticed the scrunched look on my face - one of pain - the paint on his face changed this time. Now he was frowning and all I could hope for was that smile to light up his features once more.

I moved towards the counter once again, still seeing a frown across his face. Handing him the coffee, I could see a brief twinkle in his eye - one of delight - the twinkle didn't last long before he looked up to me with a pair of sad eyes. He immidately tried to open his mouth, seemingly to ask if I was okay, of course I beat him too it.

"I'm fine" He immidiately looked confused and leaned closer too me, he began to lower his voice.

"Are you..... you know..?" It was my turn to be confused now, I had no idea what he was talking about and so I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. Don't make me say it..." The eyebrow proceeded to rise in further confusion. "You know.. A mind reader...?"

He spoke as if that was the most obvious thing in the world, what seemed to be a simple statement. Yet it was one that made me chuckle with delight, such a silly comment.. A smile lit up his features once more and he laughed with me, he seemed content with the laughter that escape my lips and the one that escaped his was musical. I could sit and listen to him laugh for hours, the giggle of a God. If that hadn't make my cheeks grow red then I have no idea what would have.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry but you seemed so distraught, I just had to try and make you laugh. You should smile more it suits you," he winked at me as he walked out of the coffee shop - leaving me flushed and speechless. My brain took moments to comprehend what had just happened to me, yet no conclusion truly confirmed why he had winked or why my heart wanted to explode and from there, my day was full of me humming and waltzing around behind the counter - almost in a dazed state. So much so that I had burnt myself four times after he had left.

Coffee Fondness BLWhere stories live. Discover now