Introductions - Admirations

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"Alexander," my head shot up in confusion at a name, not my name but a name, "my name is Alexander Harper - since we never actually inroduced ourselves. I'm 21 and I work in... Aldi." He sounded so disappointed when stating where he works, it made me chuckle.

"Well hello Mr. Harper. The name's Marshall Baxter - 18 years old and very clearly a barista."

"A fit piece of barista."

"Perhpas your eyes are on my co-worker."

"Not a chance."

"Alexander." I say in a warning tone.

"Woah, what did I do? Such a harsh tone in your voice when saying my name. Definitely not the way I wanted to hear it. What happened to Mr. Hotty?" I was facing away from him but I could feel the cocky smirk on his face as a froze up on the spot. I heard the snicker of my co-worker and only friend - Penelope - come from beside me. I slowly turned to face him, eyes and mouth wide, "close your mouth, you might catch flies."

Shock painted my face in hundreds of ways, had he heard me call him Mr. Hotty? God I'm such an embarrassment, I hadn't even realised I said it out loud.

"You... heard that?" This resulted in him bursting out into a fit of laughter - I could only imagine the face I was pulling right now. Penlope's snicker turned into a giggle and then into a laughing fit, she almost joined Alexander on the floor. Her pink hair bounced with every noise that came out of her mouth and Alexander's red hair moved to cover the shaven part of his head rather than just the right side. His eyes were squeezed shut and he seemed to be struggling for air, Penelope had recovered but had tears in her eyes and was gasping for air.

"I like it. Mr. Hotty, I can paint a picture off of that. Handsome pansexual rescues gay barista from coffee shop fire - he dubs him 'Mr. Hotty'" He changed his voice to be more epic and narrator like but also gave my coffee shop bad ju ju.

The next day, he came back. He didn't say much, he just watched me as I worked, this time he didn't seem interested in the machines. He sat on a red stool in front of the mahogony counter and rested his head in his hand, he had a look on his face, seemingly like he was dreaming. He ordered a White Mocha that time - a change from his usual Espresso. But besides that, he didn't speak a word to me - he just watched and waited. Part of me felt as if he was distraught in some way, I had really hoped that wasn't the case. 

Weeks went by and we got to know each other, Alexander likes cashews and peanuts, cuddles, coffee, long walks on the beach and is obssessed with cake! He doesn't like sushi (much to Penelope's dismay), spices, dishonesty, mushrooms or scary movies - he says that "you can't find enjoyment of almost peeing yourself in fear" yet again, Penelope wasn't very happy with that. I talked about my likes and dislikes to. I like big hoodies, bubble baths, quiet walks, nature and the sound of the ocean. Whereas I dislike needles, swimming, being interrupted and being cold - but who can blame me, your skin gets covered in weird goosebumps when you're cold. I think I have very reasonable likes and dislikes but Pennie and Alex made fun of me for the swimming, it's not that I can't swim - I can- but who finds enjoyment from moving around in a load of water. I much prefer relaxing in it with candles and a book.

Alexander didn't talk about the day he came in and stared at me but I guess there are things that everyone wants to hide. Much like my family, then again he's never really asked about that - I hope he never does. 

Christmas time rolled around and there was a morning rush, people wanted their coffee before going off to buy presents and decorations. Alexander didn't show up which became a little disheartening but he has a life and he can live it if he wishes - it just saddens me knowing I'm not a big part of his life. Okay, I'll admit - I have a hopless crush on my customer and it will never work out because he doesn't like me back or ever even find out about my hopeless crush. You see, there's a key word in there, "hopeless".

I took the next day off to collect my thoughts and in general rest, I had gone to work every day for the whole of November in hopes of getting to know Alexander. I layed awake that night when I went home and wondered where he could have been, my thoughts kept me up most of the night and I ended up falling asleep at sometime around 6am.

I just hope that he was okay.

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