Hold On

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Daryl didn't say a word, he was blank faced and he just walked right up to Lottie and pulled her into a quick and tight hug.

"Bitten?" He asked quickly?

"No, I'm fine..." Lottie said breathlessly.

"Good, take this." Daryl said pushing his pistol into Lottie's hand while distractedly looking around, eyeing every single walker.

He put his arm around Lottie and pulled her towards Rick and Merle, who were both beating walkers.

"We have to get to the others. Now." Rick said taking a deep breath. Everyone nodded in agreement.

As quick as they could, avoiding the gunfire overhead at the Governors men in the trees, the four of them made their way around the fence, shooting as many walkers as possible on their way.

Glenn suddenly drove into the prisons field, back from a run, he drove towards Hershel and pulled him and Michonne into the car. He then drove up next to the prison and they shut the gate to the field.

Daryl and Lottie killed a few more walkers while Merle and Rick checked the surrounding forest for any more.

"How are we getting back in?" Lottie shouted as she smacked a walker across the face with a tree branch.

"Don't worry, follow me!" Rick replied.

After killing the last of the walkers around them, Rick lead them up towards a side gate, Michonne was already standing there waiting for them. The four of them ran inside and fell to floor, exhausted.

The group helped all but Merle to their feet. Rick walked towards the gate for the cell block, and called everyone to go inside, but just before Merle could enter, Rick locked the gate.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Daryl said in protest, "he just saved your life Rick!"

"I'm just being careful alright, we need to talk about this as a group." Rick insisted.

"It's fine, little brother!" Merle said calmly, "It's fine!"

They walked to the far end of the cell block and began discussing what should happen with Merle. Majority of the group wanted him gone, after he beat Glenn and tried to hunt down Michonne.

It was all happening very fast. They'd just finished fighting off the Governor and now, full of adrenaline, had to decide the fate of a man.

"He's nothing but evil." Maggie whispered.

"He almost beat me to death!" Glenn exclaimed, pointing at his still sore bruises.

The group was furiously explaining every reason as to why he shouldn't stay. The only people not talking were Daryl, Michonne and Lottie.

Lottie looked over sadly at Merle, who had his handless arm leaning on the bars. A wave of guilt filled her. She knew what he'd done for her, knew the promise she'd made to him. She was terrified of taking sides, but he was family to Daryl.

"He saved me." Lottie said finally, making the rest of the group go silent, Daryl smiled slightly. "Twice. He didn't have to either time, but he chose to."

"Look I get it bu-" Glenn started.

"Think about it. Every time he hurt you...recently, he was following orders that came directly from the Governor. When he wasn't following orders he was merciful and kind." Lottie blurted out, not really sure why she was saying it.

She looked back over at Merle who had an expression of relief on his face, as if he had almost expected Lottie to remain silent. He nodded to her in appreciation and she nodded back, it was the least she could have done.

"She has a point," Hershel stated, "We can't forgive him for what he has done, I sure as hell won't, but should we condemn him for following the orders of a tyrant especially when he did protect when he could. He brought Lottie back twice and has just brought Daryl back to us, and fought for us."

The group began to reluctantly agree. However, Glenn made several comments in protest. Maggie tried to calm him, knowing her father was right but not wanting to offend Glenn and also not wanting an argument to break out between him and Daryl.

"He's staying, so get used to it." Daryl said angrily, he then shouted, "Screw this!" before storming off to his cell.

"I say he stays, if not out of kindness, we need the numbers." Carol said reluctantly, but smiled sympathetically towards Lottie.

Everyone seemed to agree on that statement. They agreed to keep Merle in that one part of the prison for now, just as they had done for Michonne. He was to stay there until he could prove himself trustworthy enough, though many of them doubted that was possible.

After confirming what was happening, Lottie slowly made her way up to Daryl in their cell, where she found him stood in the doorway.

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